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The Ultimate Guide to Resistant Starch: Benefits, Foods, and More

What is resistant starch? What foods are there?Benefits of Resistant Starch, 6 Foods to See at One Time

Tips on healthy eating – medical review: Dr. Lai Jianhan · Department of Mind and Body · Dr. Mind and Body Medicine Clinic

Text: Zhou Shimin · Update date: 2023/10/05

What is resistant starch? What foods are there?Benefits of Resistant Starch, 6 Foods to See at One Time

Many people who are losing weight shy away from starch when they hear it, but did you know? There is a kind of resistant starch (Resistant starch) that not only does not cause blood sugar spikes, helps weight loss, but can even prevent colorectal cancer. The academic community is also considering classifying resistant starch as a type of dietary fiber. Today, “Hello Doctor” will introduce to you what resistant starch is and 6 food sources rich in resistant starch.

What is resistant starch?

General starch will be decomposed into glucose after entering the small intestine, and after being absorbed by the body, it will increase blood sugar levels. However, the characteristic of resistant starch is that it is difficult to be absorbed by the small intestine, so it will not increase blood sugar and has the effect of controlling blood sugar; and Like dietary fiber, it is broken down after entering the large intestine and becomes food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, which is helpful for intestinal health.

In addition, resistant starch can increase satiety, help with weight loss, lower cholesterol, be beneficial to heart health, and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Resistant starch has another advantage over ordinary dietary fiber. , its fermentation process is slower, so it produces less gas and causes relatively mild gastrointestinal discomfort.

What are resistant starch foods?

Resistant starch has many benefits, but what foods in life are resistant starch? The following will introduce common resistant starch foods. You may choose to take a look next time so that your body is no longer burdened:

1. Letting the rice cool will increase the amount of resistant starch.

White rice is a good way to increase the intake of resistant starch. It is not only cheap but also very convenient. You can cook a large pot of white rice first, and it will produce more resistant starch after cooling, and brown rice will be better than white rice. , because brown rice has more nutrients.

Oats are a great source of resistant starch and are rich in antioxidants.

2. Oats are rich in resistant starch

Oats are a good source of resistant starch. About 100 grams of oats can provide 3.6 grams of resistant starch, and oats are also rich in antioxidants. If you store cooked oats overnight or put them in the refrigerator to cool, you can increase the proportion of resistant starch to a higher level. Other whole grains, such as barley, also have the same value of resistant starch.

Beans and pods, such as peas, provide high amounts of fiber and resistant starch.

3. Beans also contain resistant starch

Beans and legumes, such as peas, can provide a large amount of fiber and resistant starch; depending on the type, cooked beans can provide about 1 to 4 grams of resistant starch per 100 grams, but it is recommended that beans Foods should be soaked first and heated completely before consumption to remove lectins and other anti-nutritional factors.

If you want to consume more resistant starch, it is recommended to choose greener bananas when buying bananas.

4. Immature bananas contain more resistant starch

In fact, both ripe yellow bananas and unripe green bananas contain resistant starch. However, during the ripening process, these resistant starches will be converted into simple sugars (Simple Sugars), including fructose and glucose. and sucrose are also sources of sweetness. Therefore, if you want to consume more resistant starch, it is recommended to choose greener bananas when buying bananas. (Recommended reading: Bananas are not the only way to prevent cramps! 10 super foods that reduce the chance of cramps)

5. Boil the potatoes and then cool them

After the potatoes are cooked and left to cool for several hours, their resistant starch content will increase significantly. Do not reheat them at this time. You should eat them with salads and other foods to get more resistant starch. In addition, potatoes are also rich in Containing vitamin C and potassium, it is a very healthy food if not eaten in fried methods such as French fries. In addition to white rice and potatoes, the starch in pasta will also produce resistant starch after cooling.

Once potatoes are cooked and allowed to cool for several hours, the amount of resistant starch in the potatoes will increase significantly.

6. 70% of raw potatoes are resistant starch

Raw potatoes have a high level of resistant starch, about 72% of which is resistant starch. However, we rarely eat raw potatoes directly, so the main source is potato flour, which is a type of starch and is used to thicken gravy. Mostly.However, raw potatoes have a high content of resistant starch. Only 1 to 2 teaspoons a day is enough. Moreover, potato flour should be added after the food has cooled to prevent the resistant starch from being destroyed.

Heat destroys resistant starch

The amount of resistant starch will change with temperature. For example, oats and unripe green bananas will be lost due to cooking. Although overnight rice has more resistant starch, it will also be lost after reheating. But what’s special is that if it is reheated and cooled again, the content of resistant starch will increase again. However, repeated heating will cause the loss of vitamins and minerals, so you need to evaluate other nutrients in the food before making a decision.

Just like fiber intake, if you don’t usually eat so much fiber or resistant starch, avoid increasing the amount at one time, otherwise you may easily suffer from indigestion or sudden changes in blood sugar and other negative effects.

What is resistant starch? What foods are there?Benefits of Resistant Starch, 6 Foods to See at One Time

2023-12-23 12:53:43

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