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The Ukrainian embassy met with Norwegian police: –

Ukraine’s embassies abroad play an important role in the defense against the Russian invasion, because they are the contact points for foreigners who want to enlist in the newly established Ukrainian Foreign Legion.

According to the Norwegian defense, 200-300 Norwegians have expressed their interest in fighting mot the Russian invasion. As Dagbladet reported on Wednesday, it should now be Norwegians arrive at the front in Ukraine.

UKRAINE’S EMBASSY: Flowers, candles and notes with words about peace in Ukraine are placed by the stairs outside the Ukrainian embassy at Frogner in central Oslo. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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Therefore, it will be of great interest to Russia to eavesdrop on the embassies’ telephones. It can provide information both about the volunteer soldiers – but also about other types of strategically important information.

Dagbladet is aware that the Ukrainian embassy has recently contacted the Norwegian authorities, and that they themselves were sure that the Russians were monitoring them.

– Tapping phones

Dagbladet is further aware that the Norwegian authorities also have this impression. According to Dagbladet’s information, Norway is sure that Russian intelligence is dropping Ukrainian telephones here in Norway.

Dagbladet also knows that there has recently been a meeting between the Ukrainian embassy and the Norwegian police authorities. Both the police and PST must have been present at the meeting.

The topic of the meeting was Russian surveillance of telephone lines belonging to the Ukrainian Embassy.

DEMONSTRATED: There have been demonstrations outside the Russian embassy in Oslo.  Photo: Nina Hansen

DEMONSTRATED: There have been demonstrations outside the Russian embassy in Oslo. Photo: Nina Hansen
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– PST does not advise other countries, says senior adviser Martin Bernsen in PST to Dagbladet.

– Not in these times either?

– I can not comment on that, says Bernsen.

Dagbladet has sought the Russian embassy in Oslo for a comment. Questions by e-mail have not yet been answered – while when Dagbladet called the embassy, ​​they refused to speak languages ​​other than Russian.

Dagbladet has also been in contact with the Ukrainian embassy, ​​which has not yet had the opportunity to comment.

Was notified

On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj requested that foreign fighters come to the country and enlist in the fight against Russia. The authorities set up a separate foreign war battalion to take part in the fighting against the Russian invasion forces.

NOTICE: The police security service (PST) in Nydalen in Oslo.  Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB

NOTICE: The police security service (PST) in Nydalen in Oslo. Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB
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But in order to gain control of the forces – and to be able to carry out a background check on the volunteers – all soldiers must register with the embassies.

Dagbladet is aware that PST last week was notified of suspicions that the Russians have hacked telephone lines to the Ukrainian embassy in Arbins gate on Frogner. The inquiry came in connection with recruitment of volunteer soldiers from Norway.

UKRAINE: Drone images show the massive destruction in the city of Borodyanka near Kyiv in Ukraine. Video: Reuters
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Reminiscent of Pegasus

Dagbladet is not aware of what kind of software has been used. But the methods must have been identical to those that have become known through the Israeli software Pegasus.

Pegasus can infiltrate almost any mobile phone, making it possible to eavesdrop on it and retrieve its contents. The Israeli company NSO is behind the software.

NSO has repeatedly said that the software should only be used to catch criminals and terrorists, and accused clients of abusing it. The most notorious case in which the software is said to have been in use is the preparations for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. The Saudi authorities must – according to, among others, the UN – used Pegasus to hack a close friend of Khashoggi’s phone.

Dagbladet is not aware of previous reports that Russia has used the software.

POLAND: Ronny and Monica Aslaksen have traveled from Tvedestrand by bus to take Ukrainian refugees to Norway. After more than a day on tour, they have arrived at a reception for refugees in Poland. Here they meet a mother of seven. It will be a strong meeting. Photo / video: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen. Reporter / editor: Marie Røssland
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On the other hand, the grave journalist Andrei Soldatov argued in the independent online newspaper Moscow Times last year for why the Russians did not need it, and among other things feared that it could be used to spy on themselves – and that it was rather likely that the Russians developed their own variant.

Previously, hacking should only have been possible if the person who was to be attacked himself was actively deceived – for example by clicking on a link in an SMS or e-mail. But the software is now advanced enough that any phone can be infiltrated without the user having any idea about it.

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