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the two roads of Conte- Corriere.it

ROMA Lorenzo Cesa everyone was looking for him, everyone talked to us and many times the phone call for the UDC leader left from Palazzo Chigi. Where yesterday, when the bomb of the investigation for criminal association exploded and the splinters began to bounce on the web, the premier’s anxiety turned into fear. The numbers in the Senate are worrying, the premier was heard in the morning in the first video conference with the group leaders.Conte he flaunted security, he said we have an absolute majority in the House and a relative majority in the Senate and plenty of time to get stronger. But Luigi Di Maio, who even in these days publicly supports Conte, had not yet stopped the dialogue with subjects under investigation for the Mafia and therefore the attempt to attract the UDC in the majority.

And not only Cesa the problem. The aspiring builders, centrists, be they blue or Renzian, they look out and retreat, because the lawyer’s boat does not appear solid enough to ferry them to the end of the term. And since the risk of not making it becomes more and more concrete, Conte returns to caress the suggestion of the early vote. They tell that the desire for elections is very strong in him. The lawyer looks at the swollen polls of his personal consensus and sees the polls as the only way out should his fragile government fall. From the Nazarene, the pressure to convince him to take the narrow via del Conte ter has started again: to present himself at the Colle as a resigner, with the list of ministers in his pocket and hope that Mattarella you entrust him with an exploratory assignment. But if so many dem think that the only way is to mend with Renzi, he resists. And the hunt for the willing continues.

The first chasm Wednesday, with the vote on Bonafede’s report on justice. Renzi and his senators will vote against and therefore the center-right ahead. The only hope for Conte to grab some repentant Renzian in time, who decides to go to his rescue. But if the government goes under, it will be difficult for the premier to take refuge. Even the dem could press him to go up to the Quirinale. The notice to the sailors (and the helmsman) closed it in a bottle by Goffredo Bettini. The helmsman of the Nazarene has indicated the route: if he succeeds in enlarging the majority he will make a Count ter, that controlled crisis to which various dem leaders aspire to strengthen the team. Otherwise, since the Democratic Party will never make a government with the sovereigns, you will go to vote. A Conte list estimated at over 15% and, according to the Euromedia Research survey for Porta a Porta, if the premier were to lead the M5S it would jump from 14.6% to 20.2%. It is understandable that these numbers make Conte dream more than those, stretched, at his disposal to dodge the parliamentary ambushes and revive the government. To many senators it will seem the usual threat to persuade them to support the government, but between Palazzo Chigi and the Nazarene the rumble of the urns has begun to rebound strongly. What sense does it make us wear out? – summarizes a “Contiano” minister – With these numbers we do not have that solid majority that is needed to elect the head of state.

January 22, 2021 (change January 22, 2021 | 09:17)


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