Home » today » Business » The Škoda 120 in the GLS luxury edition was the flagship of the brand. The Škoda Museum features a beautiful piece soon after renovation

The Škoda 120 in the GLS luxury edition was the flagship of the brand. The Škoda Museum features a beautiful piece soon after renovation

The Škoda 120 GLS was at the time the flagship of the vehicle maker Mladá Boleslav. Most of the pieces generated have been also destined for export.

And it is exactly the 120 model in the GLS version that Škoda has made a decision to commemorate on the celebration of the presentation of an intriguing specimen owned by the Škoda Museum. The environmentally friendly piece, which still left the Vrchlabí production plant in April 1978, was bought by the museum from the first operator in June 2012 and subsequently underwent considerable refurbishment. It was finished previous year. You can see how the renovation turned out in the gallery.

The GLS designation was worn by the very best equipped “1 hundred and 20” of the time, the abbreviation, just after all, indicating “Grand de Luxe Super”. The hierarchy at that time was as follows: earlier mentioned the typical model of the Škoda 120 was the 120 L (de Luxe), then the 120 LE (de Luxe Économique) with a much less expensive transmission for freeway website traffic, the 120 LS ( de Luxe Tremendous) with four headlights as a substitute of the standard two and eventually 120 GLS.

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