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The sequel to the film ‘Borat’ will be released before the US elections

Comedian Sasha Baron Cohen has made a sequel to his 2006 film “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for the Benefit of a Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” and “Company”Amazon“It is scheduled to be unveiled ahead of the US presidential election on November 3.

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The streaming giant confirmed on Tuesday that it has acquired the rights to the film worldwide. Its title is “Borat: Gift of Pornographic Monkey to Vice Premiere Mikhael Pence to Make Benefit Recently Diminished Nation of Kazakhstan” (“Borat: Gift of Pornographic Monkey to Vice Premier Michael Pens in favor of the recently shrinking people of Kazakhstan”).

Throughout the summer, it was rumored that the film was being made in secret during a pandemic. In early July, US President Donald Trump’s private lawyer and former New York Mayor Rudy Julian called the police to complain about Cohen, who had fallen into his image. “This guy shows up running crazy, I would say in a pink transgender costume. It was a pink bikini, with lace,” Julian told the web page, Page Six.

In June, Cohen appeared at an ultra-rightful rally in Olympia, Washington, pretending to sponsor the event. He led the crowd by making him sing a racist song.

Immediately after its release in 2006, Borat won the sympathy of viewers and critics, but the satirical depiction of rural life in Kazakhstan caused outrage in the former Soviet state.

In a country of 16 million people, the film was banned and access to Cohen’s website was denied.

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