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The scent of space: NASA’s perfume

A fundraising campaign attracted attention online. Her goal: a perfume that smells like space.

Its about Entrepreneur Matt Richmond, who in a short time obtained more than $ 300,000, a figure higher than that necessary to complete the project.

From his proposal, he began to investigate a little more on the issue and it became known that NASA promoted the development of the fragrance.

Decades ago, scientists at the space agency began making a perfume to recreate the atmosphere of space in order to sensually train astronauts preparing for galactic flights, according to RT.

For years – always according to that medium – this scent remained an internal matter of the agency, but later it was decided to make it available to everyone through Richmond.

The ‘Eau de Space №1’ scent was created by fragrance expert Steve Pearce, who in 2008 signed a contract with NASA.

To get the perfume, he studied the astronauts’ memories of smells in space. These described them as something akin to the smell of hot metal, rum, burnt gunpowder, or even grilled meat.

Those who want to take the smell to the space above, however, must wait until the end of the year, when the product is launched on the market.

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