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The Scary Revelations and Wisdom of Celebrities: Exposing the Truth Behind Footballers’ Wives, Halloween Traumas, and Star Expenses

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The past week was marked by Halloween, but celebrities, apart from their fancy costumes, scared us with their revelations and wisdom that no one asked for, and of some of them only a media grave will remain… Who are we most afraid of?

If there is any consensus in the nation, it is that WAGs, i.e. footballers’ wives and girlfriends, are usually individuals without talent or ambition, whose main occupation in life is choosing expensive handbags and waving their freshly made fangs in the stadium stands. Some fight these stereotypes and renounce their harmful reputations, others are too busy with the new Fendi collection to even bother with nonsense. We don’t take both of these camps seriously, and as celebrities, they are easy targets for insults and venting our frustrations. But has anyone ever wondered what these girls really have in their heads and what the life of a football player’s partner is like?

She unexpectedly decided to dispel any doubts and such questions

Jessica Ziolek

, who gave an extensive interview to, of course, Journalist. And although it would be extremely easy to torment this poor girl and judge her dirty laundry in public,

An extremely sad and dramatic picture emerges from the conversation between Arkadiusz Milik’s former partner

, confirming the worst suspicions of outside observers. Ziółek, probably without a hint of self-reflection, admits that as a footballer’s beloved, she is basically another trophy to be liked and available, including sexually. And yes, I also felt a chill of disappointment with my own intimate life when I heard from her that 10 sexual intercourses a month was a situation bordering on a desert crisis.

Basically, everything we learned against our will is as pathetically predictable as the performance of the Polish national football team. Jessica is worried whether her own “career” and unavailability for a “needy” partner could have been the reason for the sudden breakdown of the relationship, or maybe it was the extra kilos that appeared when she started eating stress? For fair play, we should also listen to the other side and on this basis make a judgment in this burning case, but maybe it is enough that we have to watch our players on the pitch, we will thank them politely for listening. One can only wish for more goals scored, as it turns out, also in the bedroom.

SEE: Jessica Ziółek on the breakdown of her relationship with Milik: “I STOP ATTRACTING HIM in bed.” He says how many times a month they slept together

Unexpectedly, there was also unity after touching stories

Blanka Lipińska

, who reported on Instagram building a barricade in front of children celebrating Halloween. The writer, experienced the trauma of previous years when her door was “showered with flour and jelly”, this time resorted to police blockades on the staircase, which were supposed to protect her from unwanted guests and toddlers who kept the promise that without candy it would only be a trick. “What a nasty woman,” thought one of Blanka’s followers, which did not make much of an impression on the celebrity, because her goal was achieved – not a single immature person appeared at her door! Well, of course, if we don’t count the visits the Baron once paid her.

Aversion to children is always a good way to find allies online

. If we add passive-aggressive advice to parents and calls to respect the space of people who do not have children, we will have scored a classic hat-trick. Something tells us that Blanka won’t make her debut as an author of stories for the youngest any time soon. Maybe it’s a good thing, Polish child psychiatry is in a sorry state anyway…

SEE: Blanka Lipińska THREATENED the children from reaching the door of the apartment. “Maybe it will make life a little harder for them.”

Do you remember that terrifying period in Polish show business, when the media wrote about subsequent love conquests?

Tomasz Karolak

, and thousands of men with diastema suddenly believed that they too could pick up Magda Boczarska? Polish show business is a truly strange place, because although years pass, Karolak still receives big roles and microphones from which new golden thoughts flow. This time, and this is a recently popular issue, we could find out

how much money a star needs to survive a month with dignity

. Tomasz’s declaration of PLN 40,000 is modest compared to Allan Krupa’s goal of nearly three times this amount, especially if we take into account that we are dealing here with a responsible father of two children. The commentators on Pudelek were also not particularly shocked by this number, and someone even went as far as to say that it was not much “for the amount of alimony to be paid”, which even the most gloomy reader could honestly laugh at.

SEE: Tomasz Karolak revealed that he needs 40,000. PLN MONTHLY to “live with dignity”. “Have you ever paid for sex?” He answered without hesitation (VIDEO)

Karolak also believes in the existence of UFOs, which is hard to blame, because it’s more surprising that he hasn’t met him yet after the Kambo ceremony with Amazonian frog venom. But okay, he has been living and not living with Viola Kołek for years, which in some circles is considered contact with an alien civilization. It’s scary to say that we’re waiting for more confessions from this couple, but whatever, we’ll bear it!

Source: pudelek.pl

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2023-11-05 16:15:00
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