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The resources available in New York to combat the intense heat wave | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

information shortly.also some tips forface these conditions.adriana: to combat theheat, new york offers optionsto keep us cool andhigh temperatures.liliana bernal tells us theresources that exist andhealth conditions that arecan develop, if notliliana: wings of 200 centersto cool off they opened fromMonday so thatNew Yorkers can take refugefrom high temperatures.cool off, but some don’tthey were in operation.although here they say they have aplace palencia 1000, they assurethat have not received visitorsin the last ías. it seemsthat the community is not atboth of the existence ofsame..it is important that you call311 to know if the centeris available, because manyavailable yesterday they hadeventualities and what I don’t knowopen today.liliana: some recentchose to take refuge in theparks, as is a resident ofsunset park, who fears that hisair conditioning generateselectrical problems.emo let the explosion come,let the light go down ounoverheating.chiloso can use thesprinklers andbeaches are open.can apply for aprogram that helps thembuy a fan or airfor a cost of up to $ 800.you can call for moreprecautionary measure, due todanger that the hightemperatures represents for theHealth.join the most severe injuriesby the heat and the blow ofprolonged or physical effortin high temperatures.there are andogynous diseasesor cardiovascular.many times there are systems thatgive alarm like dizziness, minkblurred.there are premonitory systems.liliana: if it’s not about time,this heat stroke can damageyour brain, heart, kidneys ordeath. between thedoctor’s recommendations ishydration.>> many times we give ourselvescount when the heat is so muchand the loss of fluids I do not knowmanages to warn.old people, customthat increases, thirst becomes

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