Home » today » News » The President of Transnistria called on the Moldovan authorities “to step back from the path of aggression” – 2024-02-23 22:59:50

The President of Transnistria called on the Moldovan authorities “to step back from the path of aggression” – 2024-02-23 22:59:50

/ world today news/ The President of the Transnistrian People’s Republic Vadim Krasnoselski addressed the leadership of the Republic of Moldova.

The reason for my address to you was that at the beginning of January, on the New Year holidays, Transnistrian entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities learned about the new duties introduced by the customs of the Republic of Moldova for our subjects of foreign economic activity. Simply put, Moldova imposed certain duties on Transnistria. Would you say it was a shock to us? Probably not. Was it unexpected? Probably true. It was unexpected.

Why not shock? The entire history of relations between Transnistria and Moldova is full of similar events and situations. I want to recall the history of these relationships, because even the decision that was taken at the beginning of January has a causal relationship with other events that the government of Moldova also took against Transnistria. June 23, 1990. Even during the existence of the Soviet Union, the Parliament of Moldova (then the Supreme Council) decided on the sovereignty of Moldova and recognized the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as invalid. Its legal effects were nullified. Most importantly, the creation of the Moldavian SSR was declared illegal. Then, dear gentlemen, you managed not only to leave the Soviet Union, to step aside from the Soviet Union, you managed to leave your own republic – the Moldavian SSR. This is the question of separatism, of which of us is a separatist. You are the separatists. You destroyed the common Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic by dividing it into two units: today’s Moldova – historical Bessarabia and today’s Transnistria – historical MASSR. With your Declaration of Independence of August 27, 1991, you confirmed all the legal consequences of the aforementioned act and the illegality of the creation of the Moldavian SSR by recognizing Romanian as the language in Moldova.

What could we do, ladies and gentlemen? In the end, the inhabitants of Transnistria found themselves outside the legal framework of the Republic of Moldova. Our residents living here had no right to legal protection, our national associations, our ordinary Transnistrians were affected and the economy was disrupted. I’m not even talking about Moldova treacherously attacking Transnistria. I want to remind you again of historical facts.

On June 18, 1992, the Moldovan parliament decided on an exclusively peaceful solution to the Transnistrian issue. There was a solution and there was trust. The city of Bender was unblocked by the Moldovan armed forces. And on June 19, in the afternoon, three mobilized columns of military and special police units entered the city. Even the most naive person perfectly understands that it is impossible to mobilize troops in half a day. That is, when the parliament made its decision, it knew about the armed attack against Transnistria. Then people died – not only the defenders of Transnistria, but also women, children and old people. And who was responsible for it? Who even apologized for the killing of civilians on the territory of Transnistria, regardless of their citizenship, etc.? No one.

Even after that, Transnistria sought dialogue. I will remind you of the opinion of the OSCE mission, expressed in 1993, regarding the federalization of Moldova, that a unitary Moldova is impossible from the point of view of preserving the rights of the people on both banks of the Dniester. Then there were different initiatives by different political figures. It was Moldova that stood up and left the negotiating table at the last minute.

If we take our last agreements, these are the protocols “Berlin”, “Berlin+” signed in 2017-2018, then from 2019 Moldova stopped implementing these protocol decisions, citing all kinds of excuses. Allegedly the wrong people accepted and signed them, suddenly they became corrupt. never mind These are all excuses. Continuing this theme, we can of course recall the “5+2” form that you destroyed. It wasn’t the pandemic or the fighting in Ukraine. It was in 2019 that your political representatives walked away from the negotiating table in Bratislava and you did not sign the final document. And someone was behind it, someone gave the order to destroy the “5+2” format.

Then, of course, the pandemic and the fighting in Ukraine followed, which did not bring optimism to the negotiation process. There are circumstances that prevent him. But the Transnistrian country is ready for negotiations in the “5+2” format, to restore this format and on other platforms. For what? To discuss the lives of people living on the right and left banks. They suffer.

I want to remind politicians of an important point. Politicians come to power not for PR, not for slogans, but for specific actions and deeds, for the people living in a certain territory. This is the only reason why the people should vote for you dear leaders.

What happened in early January is understandable, unfortunately.

Reading the Moldovan media, I noticed this nuance: the right political wing is declaring some kind of victory. What kind of victory is this? You don’t know what you’re really doing. It’s not a strong step, it’s a weak step. You are weak leaders. You simply do not understand the consequences that may follow your actions. This is a sign of weakness. The manifestation of power is a conversation, a dialogue. And what you have done is a road to nowhere, to the void. Empty relations, empty conversations, the path of escalation of tension. It is not the government that suffers from your actions. How do you not understand this? Your actions are hurting the people who live here, the citizens of Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and other countries – those who may have even voted for you at one time. But you don’t care. You want to catch the “political ad”. Well, please try it. But as history shows, the path of escalation is a path to nowhere. Certain problems can only be solved through negotiation. The introduction of restrictions insidiously and without warning is a blow to the entire population of Transnistria. Do you want in Europe? It’s your choice. But I want to remind you that Europe always declares human values: human rights, the right to freedom, the right to entrepreneurship. It was Europe that gave Transnistria the right to carry out foreign economic activity with the European Union, and I thank you for that. What did you do? You did everything to sabotage these decisions. You are the ones who do not open bank accounts for our enterprises registered in Moldova. You are the ones who will paralyze the banking system. At the same time, when we ask you to give an algorithm, a formula, the answer is zero. And all refusals are not even written, but verbal, referring to some senior management: agree there – and we will register your enterprise. It’s a bluff, it’s a scam. You are the ones who violate all European values. If we talk about national autonomies, the example of Gagauzia is enough for us. We do not interfere in the internal affairs of Moldova, but we see very well how the laws, the constitutional law on the status of this entity – Gagauzia – are not respected. And we perfectly understand what will happen if something happens. We see your local government elections when some officials decide to remove people from the election race – not a court decision, but a people’s decision. There is a statement from the Venice Commission – the European Commission – on this issue and it is extremely negative. And the introduction of the customs duty for our economic subjects, for the citizens of Transnistria, is not European values, it is a violation of human rights, the right to entrepreneurial activity. I want to remind you that taxes form the local budget, and the local budget pays all social obligations. And already 33 years, already the fourth decade, there are no other formulas here, in Transnistria, and there will never be. Therefore, it is not a victory, it is a defeat, your moral defeat.

I am asking the Moldovan authorities to come to their senses and step back from the path of aggression, to take the path of normal peaceful positive negotiations, to which I constantly call you. Maybe you’ll hear from me someday.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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