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The perfect reading for Easter – Bad Säckingen

Regional booksellers give reading tips for the days off / selection ranges from Goldie Goldbloom to Benedict Wells.

With the upcoming Easter season a bit of calm will return. Many people use their days off to distract themselves from everyday life with a good book. But which novel is worthwhile for the time between Good Friday and Easter Monday? Stefan Mertlik has

inquired at booksellers in the region. The answers were given by the “Schwarz auf Weiss” bookstore in Bad Säckingen, the Volk bookstore in Wehr and the Buch & Café am Andelsbach bookstore in Laufenburg.

Robert Galbraith: Bad Blood

published by Blanvalet
“Bad Blood” is the fifth case that Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott have to solve. When the two are given the task of investigating the whereabouts of a doctor who disappeared 40 years ago, a search for long-repressed memories unfolds. Was she murdered by serial killer Dennis Creed as the police believed? But actually the biggest topic of the book is saying goodbye. What did the doctor’s disappearance do to her family and friends? And when Strike’s aunt fell seriously ill, he too was personally affected.
Björn Kern: Solicante solo

published by Fischer Taschenbuch
Jann, a failed organic brewer, and Ruth, a psychotherapist, couldn’t be more different as a couple. She loves the bustle of her hometown Berlin, but Jann is looking for a better life in the country. When Jann bought a huge manor in the Oderbruch, a barracks, without Ruth’s consent, the relationship gradually fell apart. They are united by their love for their daughter. Björn Kern created characters that touched me. He paints a picture of young couples trying to get everything right in this day and age, when everything seems less binding and everything is possible. Despite everything, humor is not neglected in this book.

Francesca Melandri:
All except me

published by Verlag Karl Wagenbach
The protagonist, a middle-aged Roman woman with a more left-wing liberal attitude, is consistent in her efforts to do the right thing. One day a young Ethiopian migrant stands at her door and claims to be her brother. Their security quickly falls apart, and the search for truth, the search for the real family history, begins. It becomes a search for Italian history, which in its colonial days in Ethiopia was not covered with fame. The result is a portrait of Italian society that makes you think. The question remains: is it enough to be born in the right country, is it enough to always do what appears to be the right thing? A book to sink into.

Goldie Goldbloom:
A whole world

published by Hoffmann & Campe
Surie, a 57-year-old Orthodox Jew, realizes she is pregnant with twins. In order to protect her family from the impending scandal, however, she does not tell anyone about it. Only her midwife at the Williamsburg Hospital, New York, supports her during this difficult phase and quickly gets her a job as a Yiddish interpreter to justify her visits to the hospital. Goldie Goldbloom, who lives in a Hasidic community herself, has written a touching and intense novel about a strong woman. Your insights into this closed religious community, with its rigid rules and numerous traditions, are impressive and frightening at the same time.
Benedict Wells:
Hard Land

published by Diogenes
Rarely for me has a book captured the essence of summer like “Hard Land”. 15-year-old Sam worked in a cinema in 1985. What begins as an attempt to shed his outsider role leads to friendships and Sam’s first love. In the best tradition of the “coming-of-age novels”, Sam will not be the same after this summer – for better or for worse. Wells manages to capture the wonderful feeling of that first, great summer love. If you want to think back to it, you will find perfect reading here.

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