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The North Tigers get wild and send a message to Trump

The North Tigers they send a message to Donald Trump and they ask him to change his attitude with Latin people.

“We would have to ask this character (Donald Trump), is that the attitude with our people will change. That the attitude would change, that his heart, his soul, would open to our Latin people and not only of the Mexicans, but of many Latinos, because many people are having enough problems (sic), “Jorge told a press conference.

In addition to the next elections to choose the new president of U.S (November 3), they say that although the candidates have approached them to ask for their support, in the end they will be in favor of those who help people.

“We are very active and attentive to what happens to our people and to the candidate that concerns our people the most, it is not known which one will stay at the end, all the candidates spoke to us, they sent us letters to be participants in their campaigns, we wanted to be a little behind and whoever is left, with that we will be supporting “, commented Jorge Hernández, vocalist and leader.

Also read: The North Tigers expect a good rival for Donald Trump

But that is not why they move aside with respect to voting, since the group born in San Jose, California calls on all women and youth to go out and mark their suffrage, because they feel that they and they are that will make a real change so that the neighboring country of the north is on the right track.

“We have been campaigning for today’s youth to vote, that there are thousands and thousands of young people who already have the right to vote and they do not and we are urging them to go and vote because that is something very important, women are also an important part of the United States vote and there is also a campaign for them to choose the right candidate to help our people and be in favor of our Latino people, “said the so-called Chief of Chiefs.

They support the feminist movement

The Tigers of the North do not stand aside from the problems that the country is experiencing, now on issues such as feminicides and for that reason they recalled that they have long supported women and an example of this was when they composed the subject “The dead of Juarez” where they talk about the impunity that is lived in that state.

That is why they now think that it is everyone’s responsibility to end this kind of problems, which have been going on for many years.

Also read: The NFL sought out Los Tigres del Norte for Super Bowl LIV

“Of course we agree that there are such movements, because so many things happen to women, we have been singing about women for ten years and today that problem has become more acute,” said Hernán.

“I was reading yesterday about this movement (March 8 and national strike on March 9) that is going to take place and it is a problem that has been around for a long time, but today with social networks, there is more opportunity to see the harassment, it is more open today, there are no secrets anymore, women no longer have privacy, the most important thing is how to educate themselves, how that can be eradicated so that women do not have many things happen to us. We as men can educate, because It is almost normal for men to harass women, such is life, but I think we have to raise awareness as men and give women a place and respect, “he said.

The interpreters of “The black door”, “Chief of Chiefs”, “Blows in the Heart”, among others is promoting his new album “And his word is the law”, which is a tribute to Vicente Fernandez.

“This project when it came to us we did not think much because we admire Mr. Vicente very much and in a matter of time we have similar careers, our musical genres like us a lot in Mexico and the rest of the world, so when we got the project we did not think much” said Hernán.

Also read: The North Tigers boost the Latino vote in the E electionsOR

That fusion between mariachi and the characteristic sound of The North Tigers on songs like “Divine Women,” “For your damn love,” “Pity you are alien,” among others, can be heard live during their concerts at the National Auditorium on March 6 and 7, as well as on April 17.

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