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The National Police Chief and All Important Police Generals Gather in Inspector General Iqbal’s Legal Area, What’s Up?

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 – 21:52 WIB

National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo and top police officers attend the Open Senate Session of Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono at the University of Riau (Unri), Wednesday (20/7). Photo: Riau Police Public Relations

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and the main police officers attended the Open Senate Session of Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono at the University of Riau (Unri), Wednesday (20/7).

Main office Police They were the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Komjen Agus Andrianto, Dankorbrimob Komjen Anang Revandoko, Kabaintelkam Komjen Ahmad Dofiri, Irwasum Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, and Kalemdiklat Komjen Rycko Amelza Dahniel.

There were also Head of Trafficking Units Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi, Head of Public Relations Division Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, Assistant for Planning and Budgeting to the National Police Chief Inspector General Wahyu Hadiningrat, Assistant to the National Police Chief Human Resources Inspector General Wahyu Widada, Operations Assistant to the National Police Chief Inspector General Agung Setya, Logistics Assistant to the National Police Chief Inspector General Argo Wuyono, and other Police officials.

Also present were officials from central government agencies and alumni of the 1988 Indonesian Military Academy who were friends from the class Commissioner General Gatot.

The open trial was held at Unri in Pekanbaru, Riau, which is the jurisdiction of Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal.

On that occasion, the Deputy Chief of the National Police, Komjen Gatot, was inaugurated as an Honorary Professor of the University of Riau in the Field of Legal Studies.

At the beginning of his presentation, Komjen Gatot specifically expressed his gratitude to Unri. The former Metro Jaya Police Chief stated that the title of Honorary Professor is a mandate that must be maintained.

“This is a responsibility that certainly continues to encourage me to continue my service to the world of education, the world of the police and the community,” said the Deputy Chief of Police.

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