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The man who kicked the offerings once studied at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, but didn’t pass, the Chancellor: Disappointed… Page all

KOMPAS.com – HF, the man who kicks the offerings in Lumajang, East Java was successfully arrested in the region Bantul.

The man from West Nusa Tenggara was secured by a joint team from the East Java Regional Police and the DIY Regional Police in the Kapanewon Banguntapan area, Bantul on Thursday (13/1//2022) at around 23.00 WIB.

He was then taken to the Banguntapan Police Station for initial questioning before being taken to East Java.

It turned out that HF ​​had been living in Jogoragan Padukuhan, Kapanewon Banguntapan, Bantul Regency.

Also read: The Chancellor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Asks for the Legal Process for Kicking the Offerings to be Stopped

Did not graduate from UIN Sunan Kalijaga

HF is known to have been registered as a student at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga since 2008.

At that time he took the Arabic Language Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah. However, he did not continue his studies because he did not pay tuition fees in 2011-2012.

It is for sure drop out (DO) in the 2013-2014 academic year.

The Chancellor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Prof. Dr. Phil Al Makin SAg MA, expressed his disappointment with the figure of HF.

Also read: Legal Counsel Calls Determination of Suspect for Kicking Premature Offerings

According to him, kicking offerings is not the style of the UIN Suka campus which upholds diversity.

“Obviously this is not in accordance with our attitude. This UIN has a strong tradition of interreligious dialogue. From research, UIN is seen as the founder of harmony, the foundation of tolerance that affects the national scale. This is not in accordance with our core values,” said Al Makin, to reporters, Friday (14/1/2022).

Despite admitting to being disappointed with HF, Al Makin asked the public to forgive HF. He said that what HF ​​did was wrong, but society also cannot kill one’s character.

“Yes, disappointed must be disappointed, the Indonesian people must be disappointed. But that disappointment should not kill someone’s character,” he said.

Also read: The Chancellor of UIN Yogyakarta Asks for those who kicked the offerings on Mount Semeru to be forgiven

Indonesians, continued Al Makin, still adhere to Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the Indonesian nation consists of various religions and sects.

“So, we must live in harmony and harmony. Sorry HF. I don’t think there is a need for legal processing, yes. There are still many more serious crimes, “he said.

He considered it unfair if HF was processed legally. It could be, he said, that HF ​​made a mistake when he kicked the offering.

“I call on the local government, the police, the court if you can please forgive and stop it,” he added.

Also read: Police: HF kicker of offerings charged with blasphemy law

HF sorry

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2022/01/15/070600178/pria-penendang-sesajen-pernah-kuliah-di-uin-sunan-kalijaga-tapi-tak-lulus?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">East Java Police Public Relations Doc Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Pol. Gatot Repli Handoko, during a press conference. HF who kicked the offerings on Mount Semeru was charged with blasphemy against religion, at the East Java Police Headquarters, Friday (14/1/2022).-When he was detained at the East Java Regional Police, HF apologized openly.

“For the Indonesian people that I love, if what we did in the video can offend you, we apologize profusely,” he said apologizing to the public.

Meanwhile, Direskrimum Polda Jatim, Kombes Pol Totok Suharyanto said, HF deliberately recorded his activities using his personal cellphone by asking his friend for help to record.

“After recording, this suspectshare the video to the Whatsapp (WA) group,” he said.

Also read: The man who kicked the offerings on Mount Semeru was arrested and became a suspect, this is his apology

As for the suspect’s motive, said Totok, namely spontaneity due to the suspect’s understanding and belief.

In addition to the viral video, the evidence that was secured in this case was the suspect’s cellphone and the rest of the offerings that were kicked.

“Meanwhile, the evidence that was secured were offerings and video recordings and the suspect’s cellphone,” explained Totok.

HF now has the status of a suspect and is threatened by Article 156 of the Criminal Code, on Hostility, Hate, or Insult against One or Several Groups of Indonesian People.

SOURCE: KOMPAS.com (Author: Wisang Seto Pangaribowo | Editor: Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief), Tribune Jogja

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