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The Love Story of Petr Pavel and Eva Pavlova

Petr Pavel and Eva Pavlova

Source: Profimedia, ČTK

The current president makes no secret of the fact that his wife Eva Pavlová is really a great support for him. He married his wife in 2004, at Olomouc City Hall. Back then, the likeable presidential couple looked even more different than today, when the head of state has stylists on hand. Pavlov’s face was then dominated by a distinctive moustache, which, according to him, even played a role in their acquaintance.

He met his current wife Eva even before his first wife Hana. But since there was a lot of interest in her among men in Prostějov, where they both worked, the future president decided that he had no chance with her, so he didn’t even try to win her heart. The fact that they end up together one day was ultimately decided by chance.

“I returned to Prostějov years later as the commander of a special unit, my wife served in that unit. That’s how we met and that’s how we connected,” the president revealed in the talk show 7 falls of Honza Dědek.

Eva Pavlova is said to have chosen her husband because she was attracted by his mustache. “But that’s a bit misinterpreted. In fact, she said that it was so terrible before that the mustache made it a little better,” said Petr Pavel with a laugh, who certainly does not lack a sense of humor.

Although at first Eva Pavlová thought he was crazy when her husband announced his intention to run for office, she finally decided to support him in the campaign. She stands firmly by his side and says that over the years of their relationship, they have already been through so many trials that they probably won’t just be thrown away by something.

Even so, there are small things that can make her angry with her husband. “None of us are perfect. What annoys me the most is when I’m ironing his shirts, he’s got everything ready for a meeting, and then he decides to go on a motorcycle ride – and crumples the shirt in his backpack. This is something terrible for me,” the first lady revealed in an interview with Prima CNN.

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2023-11-01 18:00:00
#President #Pavel #caught #attention #wife #work #manly #mustache #blame

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