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The Life and Legacy of Ferruccio Lamborghini: From Tractors to Supercars

December 26, 2023 Benoit Charette

In the town of Renazzo, on April 28, 1916, Ferruccio Lamborghini was born, the eldest of five brothers, awakening to the labors of his father’s lands. The ground came alive under his feet, letting his father tell him about the ancestral love for the work of the fields, but Ferruccio’s soul vibrated to the rhythm of the engines and cars.

He learns the blacksmith trade

Hatched from childhood, his talent, radiant evidence, is revealed for the humming mechanics. Primary school completed, the “Taddia Brothers” institute became the crucible where he forged his destiny as an entrepreneur, despite the contrary desires of his father who hoped to see his son continue working in the fields. Stubborn and resolute, he set about learning in the den of a local blacksmith, in search of the secrets of ironwork and the nuances of welding. Then, defying paternal opposition, he joined the prestigious workshop of Cavalier Righi in Bologna, where the maintenance of army vehicles forged his experience.

He’s going to war

His faithful friendship with Marino Filippini, a workmate at Righi, led him, at the age of 18, to open a workshop in Renazzo. Carefree, intense years, where each old used car or motorcycle becomes the echo of his passion, crisscrossing country paths, engraving in him the indelible imprint of freedom. But the splendor of this era was abruptly disturbed by the upheaval of war. Sent to Rhodes, on the Aegean island, he became a corporal mechanic, seizing a unique opportunity: working alongside the most refined tools of the mechanical industry. His bravery and mechanical genius earned him the commander’s trust, even repairing his personal car. The war, a bitter tragedy, interrupted this island tranquility until the tumult of September 8, 1943, pushing the entire contingent of the “Autocentro” to flee the city. Ferruccio, in love with engines, returned to Rhodes in civilian clothes, opening a small workshop under the aegis of the Germans, recognizing his mechanical knowledge rather than imprisoning him.

Return to Italy

The post-war period brings him back to Italy, with Clelia, the love he met in Rhodes. On his return, he discovered an Italy imbued with a new lease of life, ready to embrace opportunities. In this region spared by conflict, the agricultural crisis opens up new horizons, awakening its visionary spirit for large-scale agricultural automation.

The tractor trade

In 1947, the “Carioca” tractor was born, the result of redoubled ingenuity, attracting farmers and driving growth. The following year, he forged the boom in production, supported by the family farm pledged to obtain a loan. Morris engines become the beating heart of the L33 tractor, a symbol of growing success. His momentum led him in 1951 to a new home, a larger structure for the “Trattori Lamborghini”, the beginnings of a meteoric rise. The 1950s marked his transition from artisan to industrialist, propelling his name to the ends of the globe, while his tractors conquered agricultural land. Prolific entrepreneurship, expansion of the sales network, continuous expansion of facilities: Ferruccio, a pioneer, senses the desires of the market before the competition even thinks about it. Diesel tractors were born from his genius, marking a new era for the company.

The beginning of the automobile adventure

In 1963, the automobile adventure began, with the 350 GT setting international shows alight. The Taurus, emblem of tenacity, stands as the standard of “Lamborghini Automobili”, seducing the automotive world with its mechanical finesse and inimitable style. The Miura, a sumptuous gran turismo, takes to the roads, eclipsing its competitors by several years. Stars of cinema and music are snapping it up, glorifying its luxury and elegance, even propelling it to the MoMA in New York as a work of automotive art.

The decline

But the twilight of the 1960s began a change. The crisis reaches “Lamborghini Trattori”, heavy toll on a canceled order and union tensions. Ferruccio, disoriented, gradually sells his businesses, moving away from the industrial tumult to find a peaceful haven on the shores of Lake Trasimeno.

At La Fiorita, his estate is rising, transforming the land into a modern operation, combining hunting, relaxation, and prestigious viticulture. Ferruccio, eternal entrepreneur, sculpts his refuge into a popular place, where friendship and memories forge the last moments of a life marked by an innovative vision, concluding in 1993, surrounded by lifelong friends.

About the Author

Benoit Charette / Owner and editor-in-chief Benoit Charette has been practicing automotive journalism for 30 years. He is the founder, owner and editor-in-chief of L’Annuel de l’automobile, which he has published since 2001. He hosted the shows RPM and RPM+ on V and Légendes de la route on Historia. On the radio since 1986, he hosts the show ça tête la route and participates for the second year in the show Passion Auto on RDS in addition to putting the official website of L’Annuel de l’automobile online on annualauto. That.

2023-12-26 16:11:21
#tractors #automobiles #story #Ferruccio #Lamborghini #automobile #annual

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