Home » today » Business » The exploded chicken has ‘almost’ exploded: Colruyt, OKay and Delhaize …

The exploded chicken has ‘almost’ exploded: Colruyt, OKay and Delhaize …

The end of the so-called ‘flop chicken’ is in the making. From 2026, Colruyt, OKay and Delhaize will exchange chickens that are at slaughter weight after just 42 days – hence the nickname – for broiler chickens that get a longer life, more space and daylight. But why does that switch have to take five years? How do you know if you’re buying a pop or other chicken? And will the new chicken also be more expensive?

A flop chicken, wasn’t that chicken where water is injected into the fillets to make them look heavier?

Also, but the chickens we are talking about here are mainly those that are ready for slaughter in six weeks.

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