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The Importance of Nose Hair and Safe Ways to Manage It

Lots of thick, radiant hair on your head? Amazing. One hair in your nose? Not so much. While your first thought may be to reach for your tweezers, you could end up doing more harm than good if you pull them. That’s because those nose hairs actually have a function: they are your body’s first line of defense against bacteria and germs in the nasal cavity.


Cilia (the technical term for nose hair) is part of the system that protects your lungs from dirt and debris that enters your airways. ‘Nose hairs not only help filter out incoming intruders, but they also work together slowly to trap dirt so the dirt doesn’t reach your lungs or gain access to the bloodstream,’ says dermatologist Julie Russak.

Removing the nose hair puts you at greater risk of infection… or worse. “Removing nose hairs will make your nasal cavity and sinus more vulnerable to whatever enters it,” says Dr. Russak. ‘As a result, you are very susceptible to allergic attacks, sinusitis and respiratory infections.’

While it’s not recommended to remove your nose hair completely, there are some dermatologist-approved things you can do to minimize the appearance of nose hair without endangering your health.

1. Trimming

Dr. Russak says trimming is the best and safest way to remove nose hair. Ideally, you’ll grab a pair of trimming scissors or nose clippers, as they’re specifically designed for trimming these hard-to-reach areas, she says.

2. Cut

No trimmer? No problem. You can also use the same scissors that you use to shape your eyebrows, for example. Use a magnifying mirror, make sure you’re in a well-lit area, and clean your nose and scissors before you start.

3. The laser

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution because your nose hair is caused by age or hormonal issues, for example, laser hair removal may be a good choice, but make sure you go to a professional for a safe (and effective) experience.

“We treat the edges of nose hair, because we can’t treat the entire inside,” says Christian Karavolas, owner of Romeo & Juliet Laser Hair Removal in New York City. “To do this safely, we hold one side of the nostril up slightly and shoot the laser sideways.”

One thing worth mentioning is that while laser hair removal is an effective and long-lasting solution, it is more expensive and time-consuming than trimming.

And remember: don’t wax or wax

Waxing or waxing are not good methods for removing nose hair. Not only are they incredibly painful, but they are both unsafe because they remove hair follicles completely, making you more likely to experience swelling or infection.

“As a result, you are very susceptible to allergic attacks, sinusitis, and respiratory infections,” says Dr. Russak. And such an infection is the worst-case scenario. ‘If such a nasal infection comes into contact with your veins, it could pose a serious health risk because it then provides a passageway for bacteria straight to the brain.’

Bacteria in the brain isn’t something you want, right? So stick to 1 of the 3 methods above for removing nose hair.

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2024-01-06 00:30:05
#shouldnt #pull #annoying #nose #hair

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