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The headache doesn’t go away? Here’s the solution


JAKARTA – There are four types headachegeneral experience that may be experienced for a lifetime. The first is a tension headache that feels as if the center and top of the head have rubber bands around them. This type of headache often occurs due to stress which causes muscle tension.

Second, any pain behind the eyes and nose, in addition to a general feeling of stuffiness in the head, is considered a sinus headache. This condition is very common for someone to experience this type of headache when they suffer from hangovers. Third, cluster headaches. (Also read: Not only teenagers, acne can appear at the age of 30 years)

A cluster headache has a sharp stabbing pain that occurs in one place on the head throughout the day. Fourth, migraine is described as a throbbing pain in the back of the eye that grows and throbs all over the head. A person suffering from migraines is very sensitive to light, activity, or movement.

Medical News Today recommends drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day to help prevent and reduce headache severity. This is because dehydration plays a role in headache formation, and can affect how a person thinks and functions.

Reported by Express, a research paper, published in the International Journal of Public Health Policy and Health Services Research says water intake is a cost-effective, non-invasive and low-risk way to reduce or prevent headaches.

The reason is that mild dehydration can trigger headaches, so increasing water consumption can help. For the trial, 102 volunteers who experienced between two and four minor headaches per month for one year took part.

The randomly selected intervention group consisted of 52 people having a total daily fluid intake of more than 2.5 liters for three months. The data revealed that 47% in the intervention group reported improvement in their symptoms.

However, drinking water does not reduce the number of headache days experienced, only in severity. Another natural remedy to consider is using a warm compress, especially for tension headaches.

The heat applied in the form of a heated flannel can help relax tense muscles, which can relieve tension. There’s a reason some people instinctively rub the back of their neck or pinch the top of their nose when stressed. (Also read: # MNC31AnniversaryCelebration Viral, So Trending on Social Media)

Massaging certain areas of the body including the temples, jaw, or neck can help relieve tension headaches. This can be considered a relaxation technique, and can help you feel much better.


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