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The Harms and Uses of Amphetamines: A Comprehensive Overview

Drugs have become one of the major challenges facing societies worldwide, and among these substances that affect mental and physical health is amphetamine. The Saudi Health Ministry recently explained, through a tweet on Twitter, the harms of this narcotic substance, with the aim of increasing public awareness. The physical symptoms of amphetamine abuse begin with paleness of the face and lips, and the appearance of involuntary spasms in the face, but the damages do not stop there. The substance also causes an increase in heart rate and high blood pressure, which puts the user at risk of heart attack or stroke.

How can amphetamines be used in treatment?

Treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder and attention deficiency are known to be characterized by excessive activity and mood disorders, and it is known that it affects children in particular, although it may continue even into adulthood. Amphetamines can offer an effective solution to this problem, as they treat these symptoms by improving brain and nerve development. Treating extreme sleepiness or “numbness” People with narcolepsy experience extreme sleepiness during the day, which may even develop into a form of involuntary sleep. Previously, amphetamines were the treatment of first choice, but they are now being replaced with other medications with fewer side effects. Amphetamines and obesity were once used to treat obesity because they effectively reduce appetite. However, due to concerns about possible side effects, particularly addiction, use of this treatment was discontinued. Amphetamines and depression treatment Amphetamines are also used in some cases to treat depression and emotional disorders. But, again, because of the side effects, a shift has been made to modern anti-depressant medications. This type of medication is used only in cases that do not respond to other types of medication.

2023-07-16 22:14:28

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