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The freight train crushed a car near Pelhřimov. The driver did not survive the crash

The collision occurred at a railway crossing in the village of Prostý u Počátků. According to initial information, the woman in the car was supposed to get on the tracks while a freight train was passing through the section. He literally swept the car off the track.

“The driver in the vehicle traveled alone. She suffered very serious injuries in the accident, which she succumbed to on the spot. The components of the integrated rescue system intervene on the spot,” police spokeswoman Stanislava Rázlová told TN.cz.

“Shortly before half past eight, the regional rescuers set off for an accident at the Stojčín railway crossing in the Pelhřimov region. Unfortunately, the driver of the vehicle suffered injuries incompatible with life and it was no longer possible to save her,” confirmed rescue spokesman Petr Janáček.

Apparently no one else was hurt. “Professional firefighters from Kamenice nad Lipou and volunteer firefighters from Počátek and a unit of railway firefighters from Brno are intervening. Criminal investigators are also on site,” said Petra Musilová, a spokeswoman for the regional fire brigade.

The track is impassable at the scene of the accident during the investigation. What exactly preceded the collision is not yet clear. According to the Railway Inspectorate, the crossing was secured only by warning crosses.

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