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“The Estimated Age of the Universe: Exploring the Mysteries and Secrets of the Cosmos”

Sonora.ID – Have you ever wondered, what is the approximate age of the universe we live in today?

The universe is a collection of all the matter and energy in it, which includes stars, planets, gas, dust, and electromagnetic wave energy.

The study of the universe has become a major focus in modern cosmology and astronomy.

The research involved observing and analyzing data from various sources, such as telescopes and measurements of the cosmic background radiation.

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In studying the universe, scientists also study the laws of physics and theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics to explain the complex phenomena of the universe.

The reason is, the universe holds many mysteries and secrets that are still unsolved.

However, with new discoveries and measurements, we can continue to expand our knowledge of this extraordinary universe.

So, what is the estimated age of the universe according to scientists?

According to an article published on the page News Sciencescientists’ best estimate of the age of the universe is about 13.8 billion years.

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