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The driver who frustrated viralized locked up in Florida spoke: “I acted in cold blood” | National

A driver thwarted a lock up against him last Wednesday in Florida. The event went viral thanks to a camera installed in his vehicle, a BMW series 1.

The protagonist of the event is called Sebastián (36), an engineer who was driving on Calle Lago Cochrane that day. On the corner with Santa Amalia, a Hyundai i10 went through with three individuals seeking to take away his car.

However, the man reacted quickly and evaded attempted robbery, injuring one of the assailants.

In conversation with LUN, indicated that “I acted on instinct, Cold-blooded. My mind reacted very quickly because I had observed these subjects before. “

“Altiro noticed that its occupants were walking in something strange, because there were three in a car in times of pandemic, they were wearing masks, hats and gloves. I verified this when he turned the white truck to the right and they, despite having the preference, did not advance. That’s when I knew they were going to assault me“He added.

Sandoval continued his story, noting that “when they did not advance despite the preference, I said ‘it is happening’ and I knew that I had only a moment to start and that was when I saw that I had a space to flee. It coincided that I turned the side where the door was opened and when I accelerated I hit one with the door ”.

“I was ready”

The man also said that “as crime is unleashed today I knew that sooner or later it could happen to me. In a way I was prepared”.

I had seen many videos on YouTube of lock-ups and door slamming, also of accidents, not because of illness, but to understand the dynamics that occurred in those cases. There I learned that the only time you have to escape is before they get out of the vehicle, because if they manage to do so and have weapons, there is not much you can do, “he added.

According to police information, for now there are no detainees for the fact, since the mobile used was found without occupants in Quilicura.

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