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“The discovery of the bottles points in the line of the suicide of Tomás”

Jose Manuel Niederleytner, lawyer of Beatriz Zimmerman, has attended Espejo Público and explained how Anna and Olivia’s mother is after the latest discovery of the oceanographic vessel Ángeles Alvariño.

“I have not had a chance to speak to her, but we remain hopeful from the moment he ship Ángeles Alvariño keep working and tracking. This is one more clue that encourages us to continue with the search and find the lead belt that would be attached to the body of Thomas“, has indicated José Manuel Niederleytner.

And it is that the lawyer of the mother of Anna and Olivia believes that the discovery of two small oxygen bottles reinforces the hypothesis that Tomás Gimeno committed suicide in the same place where he threw the bags with the bodies of the two little girls.

“Everything points in that direction. With that shot of oxygen, you could lose consciousness a bit and allow the body not to react to suffocation in the sinking of the water. Pay on the line of the suicide of Tomás “, has indicated Beatriz’s lawyer.

Finally, José Manuel Niederleytner explained that Beatriz is “very whole” and has acknowledged that the discovery of Olivia’s body has been “a great balm for her state of mind.”

“She is very whole. fact finding Olivia’s body has been a big balm for your mood. But there would always be that doubt that he could be alive (if the body of Tomás is not found). Logically, it is a very unlikely hypothesis in view of the investigation, but there would be that possibility, “said Beatriz’s lawyer.

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