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The child spoils her skin: Veronika Arichteva has a spot on her face

As soon as Veronika Arichteva finally has the desired baby, she has to solve serious problems. As an actress, Veronika should still look good, but the little boy she wears under her heart makes her skin very nice.

Veronika Arichtev is nourished by her beauty. There is nothing special about it. As an actress, she just has to look good. In every series she has starred in so far, she has been given the role of attractive women. She simply wouldn’t play Shera quite naturally, as her face didn’t work.

At present, however, she is pregnant and does not have exemplary skin. A little boy is waiting and they are said to take away beauty from women. According to her, Arichteva is proof of this, as pigment spots popped up on her face. Until now, she has been able to suppress them with quality cosmetics.

However, the chemistry is not good during pregnancy, so she preferred to completely discontinue her gadgets. “With my pigment spots, I look like I’ve applied the freckles to my face several times,” the actress confided on Instagram.

He doesn’t do anything about pigment spots

Rather than skin, it solves how to arrange the most beautiful room for the baby and buy him the most beautiful equipment.

“There are so many baby things everywhere. So much so that I was more stressed at first. Everything is terribly cute, isn’t it? I would like to write that my mind and the looks of my Bulgarian have won, but I can’t see the window through the boxes in the nursery, “says Veronika, who recently revealed the sex of the baby.

“No popping balloons, pop sequins, colored smoke overhead, and pink-blue cupcakes. Just without those American jokes, we want to tell you so nicely and of course privately that it will be a boy, “the actress wrote on Instagram.

“A man can be responsible for the sex of a child, so Bisi can do boys for now,” one of the fans praises him on the social network. “Congratulations, but I was almost sure you were expecting a baby girl,” Veronica writes the supporter. “Well, it will be number two with Mates,” thinks the third, when he mentions his son Nikol Štíbrová.

It was fateful love, they got married a few months after meeting

Arichteva longed for her baby for a long time, and finally she and her husband Biser Arichtev succeeded. They recently celebrated seven years since their wedding and love still does not leave them. They got married on August 1, 2013. On that occasion, she published a picture of their wedding.

“Thank you for being me!” She wrote to the photo. They met Biser during the filming of the series Tell, where Veronika played, and Biser directed him. “It was clear that there was something between us, I ended my relationship. Bisim, as is the case with men, took a little longer. So we dated very secretly for about three weeks, “Arichteva snapped Flash.

“Then he broke up and asked me what I was doing for Christmas. I always spent the holidays with my family, and it never occurred to me that it might be otherwise. But he suggested that we go on holiday to Thailand. We’ve been officially together for about a fortnight. Well, I nodded, “the actress described. When they returned, they were already arranging a wedding.

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