Home » today » Health » The Characteristics of the Biotic Environment: Biodiversity, Food Web, Symbiosis, Adaptation, Competition, Reproduction and Growth, Inter-Species Interactions, and Population Change

The Characteristics of the Biotic Environment: Biodiversity, Food Web, Symbiosis, Adaptation, Competition, Reproduction and Growth, Inter-Species Interactions, and Population Change

The characteristics of the biotic environment include the characteristics and attributes associated with the components of living things or organisms in an ecosystem. Here are some characteristics of the biotic environment:


The biotic environment tends to have high biodiversity, namely the various types of organisms that live in it. Ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity will have various species of plants, animals and microorganisms that interact with each other.

Food Web

The biotic environment forms a complex food web in which energy and nutrients move from one trophic level to another. Producers (plants) produce food through photosynthesis and become a source of food for consumers (herbivores) who then become prey for higher-level consumers (carnivores or omnivores).


Organisms in a biotic environment can form symbiotic relationships between themselves, such as mutualism (both parties benefit), parasitism (one party benefits and one party is harmed), and commensalism (one party benefits without affecting the other).


Organisms in the biotic environment have developed various adaptations to survive in different environmental conditions. These adaptations can be body structures, behaviors, or physiological traits that help organisms interact with their environment.


Organisms in a biotic environment often compete with each other for limited resources, such as food, water, and shelter. This competition can affect the abundance and distribution of species in ecosystems.

Reproduction and Growth

The biotic environment provides conditions that support the reproduction and growth of organisms. Organisms reproduce to maintain their populations and ensure the survival of the species.

Inter-Species Interactions

Organisms in the biotic environment interact in complex ways with other species. This interaction can take the form of competition, predation, cooperation, or other forms of interaction that affect ecology and population dynamics.

Population Change

The population of organisms in the biotic environment may fluctuate due to changes in environmental conditions, availability of resources, or interactions with other species. These factors can affect the stability of the ecosystem.

The characteristics above are some of the things that characterize the biotic environment and provide an overview of how living things interact and adapt in a dynamic ecosystem. Changes in the biotic environment can have a major impact on the life of organisms and the balance of the ecosystem as a whole.

2023-07-28 01:30:38
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