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The characteristics of diabetes that need to be known and be aware of, recognize it as early as possible

Diabetes. ©2012 Merdeka.com

Merdeka.com – The characteristics of diabetes are important for everyone to know and be aware of. Diabetes itself is a chronic disease characterized by increased blood sugar (glucose) levels above normal limits. There are two main types of diabetes, namely type 1 and type 2.

The cause is usually due to a disorder in the body that makes the body unable to use blood glucose into cells and makes it accumulate in the blood.

For this reason, it is important to know the characteristics of diabetes so that it can be detected early. Recognizing the characteristics of diabetes can help detect it early. From detecting the characteristics of diabetes, chronic conditions and their severity can be avoided.

For this reason, Merdeka.com summarizes some of the characteristics of diabetes that you need to know, quoted from the Liputan6 page and various sources, Friday (12/3/2021):

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Causes of Diabetes

Before discussing the characteristics of diabetes, it is better to know the causes of diabetes first. Diabetes is caused by a disturbance in the body, so the body is unable to use blood glucose into cells, and glucose accumulates in the blood.

In type 1 diabetes, this disorder is caused when the immune system, which normally attacks viruses or other harmful bacteria, attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells.

As a result, the body will be deficient or even unable to produce insulin. This causes the sugar that should be converted into energy by insulin instead triggers the accumulation of sugar in the blood.

Whereas in type 2 diabetes, the body can produce insulin normally, but insulin is not used normally. This condition is also known as insulin resistance.

To be able to avoid diabetes, everyone is obliged to maintain a healthy diet with a focus on consuming fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. In addition, it is also mandatory to routinely carry out physical activities such as sports.

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Characteristics of Diabetes

1. Frequent urination

Frequent urination of at least 3 liters per day is one of the characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Why do people with diabetes urinate frequently? This is because the body is trying to rid the blood of excess glucose. When sugar levels are high, people also drink more often, causing them to produce more urine.

2. Appetite Increases Without Weight Gain

People who have diabetes usually have a high appetite but find it difficult to gain weight. This indicates that the body of diabetics does not get all the energy it needs from food. Even when a person eats, hunger can persist, because the body is constantly asking for fuel.

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3. Weight loss

Another characteristic of diabetes is weight loss. This inability to absorb glucose can also lead to weight loss. This keeps nutrients and energy from being absorbed and the body continues to lose weight.

4. Fruit-scented breath

A person with high blood sugar levels may notice that their breath smells like fruit, or is very sweet. This occurs when the body cannot access glucose from the blood.

This creates a chemical called acetone which can have a fruity odor. Fruity breath is a hallmark of diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication that can develop over several hours.

5. Kidney Problems

Diabetes can also cause kidney problems. Over time, high glucose levels can damage blood vessels, including those in the kidneys.
Diabetes makes the kidneys work harder to filter the blood, as a result, kidney disease can occur.

People with diabetes will experience symptoms such as very dark or bloody urine, foamy urine, pain near the kidneys in the lower back, or chronic kidney conditions or urinary tract infections.

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6. Cardiovascular problems

People with diabetes often experience cardiovascular symptoms, such as high blood pressure. Other features of diabetes include high cholesterol levels and obesity, which are risk factors for heart disease.

7. Tingling or numbness

Long-term high blood sugar levels can damage nerves throughout the body, especially those affecting sensation in the hands or feet. Tingling or numbness can be a sign of nerve damage, or diabetic neuropathy.

Some people with diabetes experience nerve pain, which can feel like an electric or burning sensation. Nerve pain can occur anywhere, but is very common in the feet and hands.

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8. Tired All the Time

Persistent fatigue is an important diabetes feature to watch out for. This is because the body cannot process food into energy as it should.

Fatigue all the time occurs because the body does not get the fuel it needs. This makes the body feel tired and lethargic.

9. Vision looks blurry

In the early stages of diabetes, the lens of the eye does not focus properly because glucose builds up in the eye, which temporarily changes its shape. High blood sugar causes the lens of the eye to swell, which changes the ability to see.

10. More Frequent Infections

High blood sugar levels can increase a person’s susceptibility to infections. This condition makes a person take longer to recover from an injury or infection. Infections that occur with diabetes take longer to heal and can get worse more quickly.


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