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the appearance of inoperable micro-clots worry doctors

A new discovery concerning the coronavirus particularly worries the medical profession. A famous actor unfortunately was one of the first to make the bitter discovery.

The Covid-19 that is rampant all over the world right now has symptoms identified since the start of the pandemic, such as fever or cough. However, since the appearance of this coronavirus, we are learning a little more every day.

After the first “typical” symptoms, loss of taste and smell in many patients with coronavirus have thus been identified.

Recently, these are brain symptoms which have also been brought to light in some patients subject to an aggressive form of Covid-19. An increased risk of post-healing lesions has also been identified in these patients who have been in serious condition.

Blood clots: a new threat?

Medical teams in China, Europe and the United States have recently observed the formation of micro clots, housed in blood vessels, in patients with coronavirus.

These clots can cause asphyxiation of the limbs of the patient, up to the amputation of a limb, as well as a heart attack, a stroke, or even a pulmonary embolism. It all depends on where these clots form and where they move: if they go to the heart they can cause a heart attack, if they opt for the brain, the risk is a stroke.

This famous actor paid the price

Canadian actor Nick Cordero, who won the “Tony Award for best actor in a musical” in “Broadway” in 2014, had to have his right leg amputated precisely because of a micro-clot, which was impossible to dislodge and operate.

The latter completely blocked the circulation of blood. The team had to make the painful choice to amputate the actor, for his survival. Very affected by the coronavirus, the actor spent eighteen days in intensive care. His wife, through Instagram, gives very regular news of the actor to try to reassure his fans.

Amanda Kloots gave this Monday, May 4 finally reassuring news of the actor, via a story Instagram. While his condition was critical, he seems a little more reassuring:

I just wanted to give quick news about Nick, he’s fine. The settings of his respirator have been lowered (…) It’s really a good sign that his breathing is going well. This is incredible news, because we really needed it (…) I think he will feel better, even unconsciously, he will feel better.

There is still a long way to go, but this news gives some hope for the future.

An amazing anomaly

Behnood Bikdeli, specialist in internal medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, told AFP on this subject:

I’ve seen hundreds of clots in my career, but I’ve never seen so many extreme abnormal cases

Doctors around the world are collaborating to try to find a solution. Thirty-six experts have already published their advances in this area. Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Research is still recent, if it is currently impossible to operate these micro-clots, let us bet that solutions will be found in the near future, thanks to the international collaboration currently at work.

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