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“The Amazing Health Benefits of Moringa: A Comprehensive Guide”

Books by Hossam Al-Shaqwiri

Friday, May 26, 2023 11:19 AM

The Moringa plant is used as a complementary food for malnutrition diseases, as it contains a high percentage of vitamins, and the health benefits of Moringa include treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, anemia, arthritis, liver and heart diseases, respiratory disorders, skin and digestive system, and the bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and oil can be used This tree. According to what was published by health.

AndMoringa An excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, research has shown that moringa in powder form contains..

9 times more protein than yogurt

Vitamin A ten times more than in carrots

15 times more potassium than bananas

17 times more calcium than milk

50% more vitamin C than an orange

25 times more iron than spinach

The most important health benefits of Moringa

1. Moringa is full of nutrients

Apart from containing vitamins, minerals, calcium, and potassium, Moringa is also rich in amino acids, and USDA research has shown that Moringa contains 18 out of the 20 amino acids – the building blocks of proteins found in the human body.

2. It fights free radicals

The antioxidants – flavonoids, polyphenols and ascorbic acid – found in Moringa fight free radicals, which are molecules that lead to inflammation, cell damage and oxidative stress.

3. Symptoms of diabetes can be reduced

In powder form, Moringa has been found to be effective in reducing lipid and glucose levels, regulating oxidative stress and reducing blood sugar.

4. A heart-healthy food

Since it helps control lipids, moringa can prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries and reduce cholesterol levels, and this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Moringa can fight common infections

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of Moringa help fight infections. It works against fungi that cause skin infections, and bacteria responsible for blood and urinary tract infections.

6. Moringa helps wounds heal faster

Moringa leaves have blood clotting properties. If taken regularly, it reduces clotting time, ensures that bleeding stops faster, and promotes healing.

7. Moringa promotes brain health

Its antioxidant qualities reduce nerve cell degeneration and improve brain function. Studies indicate that Moringa leaves can provide protection against the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and may delay its onset.

8. Moringa protects liver health

The high concentrations of polyphenols present in Moringa keep the liver safe against toxicity, oxidation, and damage.

Are there any side effects of moringa?

Moringa has laxative properties, so eating it in large quantities can cause stomach upset, gas bloating, diarrhea and heartburn.

Certain chemicals found in the roots, flowers, and bark can cause uterine contractions in pregnant women. May increase the risk of miscarriage.

Breastfeeding women should avoid moringa because some of the ingredients may not be beneficial for infants.

People who take blood-thinning medications such as warfarin should stop taking moringa regularly.

2023-05-26 08:19:00

#Moringa. #health #benefits #side #effects

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