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“The absence of a republican tsunami is in itself a victory for the democratic camp”

C.Contrary to what polls have announced in recent weeks, the midterm election results in the United States are not disastrous for the Democrats. While all the recounts are not yet complete, especially in the Western states, it appears that Republicans should regain control of the House with a smaller than expected majority. As for the Senate, it should remain pending for a few more weeks, given that the election of the Georgian senator is postponed to a second round, which will take place in December. In any case, the majority of the winning side will be very thin there. The absence of a republican tsunami is in itself a victory for the Democratic camp, especially if we compare it with the poor results experienced by Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2010 (the latter then referred to a “heartbeat”) .

Inflation, crime and immigration, the campaign themes proposed by the Republican camp were apparently not enough to galvanize voters as expected. The Democrats, on the other hand, having counted on the defense of democracy and the right to abortion, have provoked a considerable mobilization of young people and especially women, as the analysis of the vote in the coming weeks will undoubtedly demonstrate. . We already know that the abortion referendums conducted in California, Michigan and Vermont have been won: the right to abortion will appear in the Constitution of these states.

Democratic analysts also deplored their difficulty in raising American public awareness of the extent of the administration’s reforms. With the post Covid-19 economic recovery laws, infrastructure restoration, incentives for the installation of battery factories for electric cars (with the Inflation Reduction Law) and semiconductors (with the Chip Law), as well as a decree for the partial cancellation of student debt, Biden’s entourage intends to revive the prosperity of the country’s middle classes. All these measures were denounced by the Republicans as carrying disproportionate spending in favor of record inflation… It seems that the administration budget would not have damaged it excessively in the polling booths. Also in this case, the details of the exit polls will allow us to know what the motivations of the voters were.

Trump’s failures

With the Biden administration already implementing most of its agenda, it can now look forward to the next couple of years with some calm. The Republicans, mostly in the House, will certainly multiply the incendiary bills, but they will not have the sixty senators in the House to get their texts voted. They will therefore in no way be able to repeal the legislative work carried out by the Democrats since 2021. Even their radicalism could tire public opinion, as had already been seen in 1996 and 2012, when Bill Clinton and then Barack Obama were re-elected at a later date. mandate.

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