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Tenerife’s winners fill La Palma with murgas | Radio Club Tenerife | The news from the Canary Islands

Great Murguera day in Los Llanos de Aridane, where the four winning murgas of the Santa Cruz contest were cited, plus the local Los Retamas (with their fantasy ‘Samurai with a dragon soul’) and Los Conejos Inopables, from the Argual neighborhood, also with Asian motifs (‘Dreaming I danced with geisha and fought with samurai’).

In order from lowest to highest score in the Santa Cruz final, the murgas Los Mamelucos, Los Bambones, Diablos Locos and the winner Zeta Zetas took the stage – with an extraordinary influx of people. For many of its components it was an express trip, because at night they met in Santa Catalina to follow the Las Palmas contest (or participate in it).

Mamelucos, under the direction of Xerach Casanova, sang ‘Los spoiler’ that led to the final and one of his phase songs, the one where he compares expectations and realities.

Then it was Los Bambones’ turn, with the loss of Primi Rodríguez and who was replaced by Julio Alexis Fernández at the front of the line. They traveled from their farewell letter to Coalition to their first ending theme, that of percentages.

The Devils destroyed the square with their murguera purge, which earned them a ticket with the Second Interpretation. Before, they offered their particular vision of the Congress with a musical. And Los Zeta Zetas ended, surprisingly they did not repeat their ending and opted for their phase themes.

The day left a good taste in the mouth in Los Llanos, where the Murguera fans are indisputable, as confirmed by the notable presence of the public in the square.

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