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Taliban Kill Family of DW Journalist in Afghanistan


Taliban forces hunting a DW journalist have shot dead one of his family members and wounded another. The incident occurred as the Taliban were conducting house-to-house searches to try to find the journalist, who is known to be currently working in Germany. It was reported that other family members managed to escape.

DW’s Director General, Peter Limbourg, strongly condemned the action and called on the German government to take action.

“The killing of a close relative of one of our editors by the Taliban yesterday was tragic, and proves the acute danger threatening all of our employees and their families in Afghanistan. It is clear that the Taliban are already carrying out organized attacks on journalists, both in Kabul and in other provinces. We out of time!”

The Taliban are hunting for journalists

Reportedly in recent times, the Taliban have raided at least three houses of DW journalists. In addition, Nematullah Hemat of the private television station Ghargasht TV is believed to have been kidnapped by the Taliban, and Toofan Omar, head of private radio station Paktia Ghag Radio, according to government officials, was hunted and shot dead by the Taliban.

Earlier on August 2, two suspected Taliban also shot dead translator Amdadullah Hamdard, a frequent contributor to German newspapers. The time, in the city of Jalalabad, eastern Afghanistan. In mid-July, world-renowned Indian photographer and Pulitzer Prize winner, Danish Siddiqui, was shot and killed in Kandahar, allegedly by the Taliban.

Media alliance asks German government for help

Due to this series of events, DW has joined the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers (BDZV), Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Deutschlandradio, dpa, Reporters Without Borders, stern, Sddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, taz, RTL, n-tv, and Arte wrote an open letter asking the German government to create an emergency visa program for Afghan staff.

The German Journalists Association (DJV) also called on the German government to take swift action, given that local journalists working for Western media are being hunted. “Germany must not stand idly by while our comrades are persecuted and even killed,” said Frank Berall, chairman of the DJV. He said it was very important to save these journalists now and offer them protection in Germany.

The Taliban Promise

At his inaugural press conference, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid sought to reassure the international community, insisting that the Taliban will respect women’s rights and forgive those who oppose them.

“Let me remind you that we forgive everyone, because this is for the sake of peace and stability in Afghanistan. All groups that oppose us are all forgiven,” said Mujahid, Tuesday (17/08).

Meanwhile, Reporters Without Borders has asked the UN Security Council to hold an informal special session to discuss and address the dangerous situation of journalists in Afghanistan.

(Ed: rap/gtp)

Watch the video ‘Taliban Opens Doors to International Relations, But…’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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