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Taliban ethnic cleansing in Panjshir – resistance

Taliban carry out executions in Panjshir province

Taliban officials are accused of shooting civilians, including children, for no reason.

The Taliban are ethnic cleansing in the Panjshir province. This was stated by the representative of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan Ali Nazari, calling on the international community to intervene, reports on Friday, September 10, Interfax-Ukraine.

“The Taliban have expelled thousands of people from Panjshir. They are carrying out ethnic cleansing and the world is still watching and ignoring this situation,” Nazari tweeted.

“We urge the international community to end these war crimes,” he added.

Before that, an Afghan journalist who served as deputy governor of the province, Kabir Wasik, reported on the mass executions and mopping-up operations in Panjshir.

“The Taliban shoot civilians for no reason, including children, which is a war crime and a crime against humanity. They search the houses of influential residents, village leaders, mullahs and lawyers, exerting strong psychological pressure on the population, they constantly sound threats of murder and arrest,” he said. Wasik Aamaj News.

Earlier, representatives of the Taliban announced the establishment of control over the entire country after the capture of the Panjshir valley, in which the National Resistance Front opposing the Taliban was located. Resistance front officials claim they are still in the valley.

Panjshir fell. How the Taliban will rule

The Panjshir province, located 70 km north of Kabul, is of strategic importance as the passes connecting the south and north of Afghanistan pass through it. The peculiarities of the terrain of the province and the gorge of the same name located in it are well suited for waging a guerrilla war.

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