Home » today » Health » Take note! It’s The Right Time To Perform Salah Acehnese Lunar Eclipse On May 26, 2021

Take note! It’s The Right Time To Perform Salah Acehnese Lunar Eclipse On May 26, 2021

“So, for Aceh, lunar eclipse prayers should be done immediately after Maghrib prayer, considering that the duration of the eclipse for the Aceh region is less than one hour,” he said.

Report of Saiful Bahri I Lhokseumawe

SERAMBINEWS.COM, LHOKSEUMAWE – The total lunar eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021 AD to coincide with the full moon night of 15 Shawwal 1442 H, starting at 16.45.19 WIB until 19.51.41 WIB or five more days.

This total lunar eclipse is the first of four eclipses that will occur in 2021.

Lecturer in Falak Science, Department of Islamic Astronomy, Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Lhokseumawe, Tgk Ismail Is, Friday (21/5/2021), explained that this total lunar eclipse can be witnessed throughout Indonesia when the moon rises in the eastern horizon until the eclipse is over.

For the Aceh region, this total lunar eclipse can only be seen after the total phase, meaning that the eclipse is only visible at the end.

“So, for Aceh, lunar eclipse prayers should be done immediately after Maghrib prayer, considering that the duration of the eclipse for the Aceh region is less than one hour,” he said.

For the observation process, continued, Tgk Ismail, IAIN Lhokseumawe will join the observation virtually with 19 other observation points throughout Indonesia.

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This virtual observation program is through the Zoom Meeting application facilitated by the Jakarta Planetarium & Observatory and the observation program can be seen directly on the Jakarta Planetarium & Observatory youtube channel from 15.45 to 21.30 WIB.

This virtual observation will be very useful for the people of Indonesia.

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