Healthiest Meat Substitutes with Low Salt Content and Nutrient Guidelines

Healthiest Meat Substitutes with Low Salt Content and Nutrient Guidelines

The shelf of meat substitutes has grown considerably in recent years. Great, because this makes eating less meat a lot easier and tastier. But many meat substitutes are not as healthy as they seem. For example, many vegetarian burgers and vegetable sausages contain saturated fats, sugars and, above all, a lot of salt. We make … Read more

Athletes: A High-Risk Group for Iron Deficiency Anemia

Many people suffer from anemia, especially women of childbearing age and pregnant women aged 15 to 49. But it turns out that athletes are also “high-risk groups of iron deficiency”. Daily endurance training increases red blood cell volume and muscle mass, but strenuous exercise at the same time causes iron loss. If the daily intake … Read more

The Surprising High-Risk Group for Iron Deficiency: Athletes

Many people suffer from anemia, especially women of childbearing age and pregnant women aged 15 to 49. But it turns out that athletes are also “high-risk groups of iron deficiency”. Daily endurance training increases red blood cell volume and muscle mass, but strenuous exercise at the same time causes iron loss. If the daily intake … Read more