The Impact of High Blood Sugar on Neuropathy

The Impact of High Blood Sugar on Neuropathy

High blood sugar in the body can cause health problems such as neuropathy. Photos/Illustrations/Freepik JAKARTA – High blood sugar can cause various health problems. One of them is a disorder of nerve function called neuropathy. Neuropathy can cause various symptoms such as numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness in various parts of the body. One factor … Read more

Skin Complications of Diabetes: Understanding the Impact on Overall Health

Skin Complications of Diabetes: Understanding the Impact on Overall Health

Written by Fatima Khalil Wednesday, August 09, 2023 03:00 AM diabetic It is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, and while most people are aware of the common complications of diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease and nerve damage, the effect this condition has on the skin is often overlooked. The skin … Read more

“Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies for High Blood Sugar and Diabetes”

High blood sugar mainly affects people with diabetes. This occurs when your body does not produce enough insulin and therefore cannot absorb the glucose properly. Yet many people walk around for years with complaints of high blood sugar without knowing that they have diabetes. Diabetes is an ‘invisible disease’. It is all the more important … Read more

It only happens at night, this is an early sign of high blood sugar

High blood sugar levels can be monitored from symptoms that are felt at night. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The development of diabetes usually occurs gradually over a matter of years. However, early signs of high blood sugar levels can be observed at night. The first sign is waking up from sleep because you want to urinate. … Read more

Careful! Feeling thirsty often can be a symptom of high blood sugar levels, these are other symptoms

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels – Symptoms of high blood sugar levels. – – Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a condition of increased blood sugar levels. This situation can occur in patients who have diabetes. However, some habits can also cause blood sugar levels increased. Examples include not exercising enough, eating too many … Read more

WEEK-Recognize 6 Things Type 2 Diabetes You Need to Know and Beware of

KONTAN.CO.ID – Type 2 diabetes is one of the blood sugar diseases that you need to be aware of. If left unchecked, this condition can endanger health and even take life. Type 2 diabetes is generally experienced by adults. In addition, type 2 diabetes is also a type of diabetes that often occurs or is … Read more

Mouth Feels Dry, What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar And What Does It Mean?

Sonora.ID – Blood sugar levels is the amount of glucose in the blood. This glucose comes from food consumed, stored, and formed in the body. Blood sugar levels can be the main source of energy for many cells in the body through the bloodstream. However, if a person suffers from diabetes, then he must be … Read more

Excess Blood Sugar Can Be Diabetes, Check Out the Symptoms: Always Want Sweet Food

JOURNAL SOREANG – Excess blood sugar there will be a potential for someone to get sick diabetes. Furthermore, if left unchecked, it will cause damage to nerves and blood vessels to the point of death. As quoted from the page halodoc.comNormal blood sugar levels are around 70-100 mg/dl before meals and 108 mg/dl after meals. … Read more