Ginger Tea Reduces Snoring Tendencies for Better Sleep Quality, Study Finds

Ginger Tea Reduces Snoring Tendencies for Better Sleep Quality, Study Finds

Zingiber officinale or ginger regularly can have positive benefits for sleep quality by reducing the tendency to snore. (Doc Detogreen.) SLEEP is an important aspect for body health, but when accompanied by the habit of snoring, the negative impact can affect sleep quality and overall health. Snoring during sleep, although common, can have a significant … Read more

Cancer Patients at Risk of Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure: Study Finds 40% Affected by Anticancer Drugs

Cancer Patients at Risk of Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure: Study Finds 40% Affected by Anticancer Drugs

Approximately 40% of cancer patients treated with anticancer drugs are at risk of sleep apnea → heart failure. Entered 2024.02.12 20:10 Entered 2024.02.12 20:10 Modified 2024.02.12 22:19 Views 23 Approximately 40% of patients treated with anticancer drugs exhibit sleep apnea. You should be concerned about your risk of heart failure. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Research results have shown that … Read more