Matteo Salvini in Naples, clashes at the procession of antagonists. Sardines, flop appearances

It is staged a Naples the new round of the duel between Matteo Salvini and the Sardines, led by the frontman in the Campania capital Mattia Santori. The leader of the League repeats that those who want to repeal the security decrees are “enemies of Italy” and should “study before speaking”, given that in those … Read more

Heat from the explosion of Mount Vesuvius turned brain into glass

The heat caused by the explosion of Mount Vesuvius, almost two thousand years ago, was so intense that it transformed the brain of one of the victims into glass and killed everyone within a radius of 20 kilometers. Experts have discovered shiny pieces of solid black material inside the head of a victim of the … Read more

Kicks and punches to doctors and nurses: new attack on the hospital of the sea

Another attack against the health personnel took place this morning in the psychiatric ward of the Ospedale del Mare against two nurses and two doctors, by the relatives of a patient as reported by the protagonists themselves. The father and brother of a psychiatric inpatient refusal by the medical staff to change the room for … Read more