Monkeypox Vaccination in DKI Jakarta: 44 Positive Cases Recorded

Monkeypox Vaccination in DKI Jakarta: 44 Positive Cases Recorded

Illustration of monkey pox. ( Jakarta: The DKI Jakarta Health Service (Dinkes) has administered the first dose of monkeypox vaccination to at least 495 people. Meanwhile, the second dose was given to 416 people. This vaccination step is specifically aimed at groups who have had close contact with patients. Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and … Read more

Rabies Outbreak in North Central Timor: Fatalities and Treatment

Rabies Outbreak in North Central Timor: Fatalities and Treatment

North Central Timor: The rabies outbreak has spread from South Central Timor Regency to North Central Timor, East Nusa Tenggara resulting in one person dying. The victim died, Antonia Olin, 62, on Tuesday, November 7 at 21.30 WITA while being treated at the Kefamenanu Regional General Hospital (RSUD), capital of North Central Timor. “The patient … Read more

Understanding Monkey Pox: Transmission, Symptoms, and Prevention

Understanding Monkey Pox: Transmission, Symptoms, and Prevention

Illustration of monkey pox. ( Jakarta: Transmission of monkey pox (Mpox) is relatively small or can still be avoided. Even so, people need to be alert and careful about transmission through skin to skin or droplet. “Transmission through alternating seats on public transportation is considered small. However, transmission needs to be anticipated droplet in crowded … Read more

Rise in Monkeypox Cases in DKI Jakarta: Health Advisory and Prevention Measures

Rise in Monkeypox Cases in DKI Jakarta: Health Advisory and Prevention Measures

Illustration. Medcom Jakarta: Citizen DKI Jakarta advised to be more vigilant about the rise in cases monkey pox. Cases of monkey pox or monkeypox in DKI Jakarta increased to 13 people. “The DKI Jakarta Health Service urges residents to be more alert and take steps to prevent this disease,” said the spokesperson for the Ministry … Read more

Using Laser Technology: Improving Health and Preventing Complications

Using Laser Technology: Improving Health and Preventing Complications

Sri Suratmi has a history of stroke due to diabetes and high blood pressure. This started with diabetes, which he had been suffering from since 2011. While still actively teaching, Sri often went with her friends to taste various culinary delights. This makes his blood sugar high, perhaps reaching more than 500 mg/dL. As a … Read more