Dengue Fever Outbreak Ravaging Central and South America: 3.5 Million Infections and Counting

Dengue Fever Outbreak Ravaging Central and South America: 3.5 Million Infections and Counting

Dengue fever is rampant in Central and South America. (Photo/Dazhi/Associated Press) The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) confirmed that dengue fever cases are growing rapidly in Central and South America, with 3.5 million infections recorded since January from Puerto Rico to Brazil. The public health agency said the region may be experiencing “its worst dengue … Read more

Argentine Citizen Calls for Free Access to Dengue Vaccine in Province – Urgent Action Needed by Elected Officials

Argentine Citizen Calls for Free Access to Dengue Vaccine in Province – Urgent Action Needed by Elected Officials

Monday, March 11, 2024 12:37 An Elesquiú.com reader used our citizen report WhatsApp line (383-4901025) to tell us what is happening in the province. “I am making this report to put on the agenda of our Provincial and National Deputies and Senators that would be in accordance with what they have been elected for and … Read more

Dengue Fever Epidemic Ravages Brazil: Sao Paulo Declares State of Emergency

Dengue Fever Epidemic Ravages Brazil: Sao Paulo Declares State of Emergency

Brazil has been ravaged by the dengue fever epidemic. Since its inception in 2024, at least 1.2 million people have been infected and at least 278 people have died. The city of Sao Paulo has declared a state of emergency. Aedes albopictus is the vector of dengue virus. shutterstock The Mirror reported that Sao Paulo, … Read more

Dengue Fever Epidemic Ravages Brazil, 1.2 Million Infected and 278 Dead

Dengue Fever Epidemic Ravages Brazil, 1.2 Million Infected and 278 Dead

Brazil has been ravaged by the dengue fever epidemic. Since its inception in 2024, at least 1.2 million people have been infected and at least 278 people have died. The city of Sao Paulo has declared a state of emergency. Aedes albopictus is the vector of dengue virus. shutterstock The Mirror reported that Sao Paulo, … Read more

La diputada provincial propone Ley de Vacunación contra el Dengue en Catamarca tras aumento de casos

La diputada provincial propone Ley de Vacunación contra el Dengue en Catamarca tras aumento de casos

os graves, por lo ‍que “es una ⁢herramienta fundamental para evitar la propagacin del virus y sus consecuencias”. ⁣ Finalmente, Carrizo destaca que⁣ “la vacuna es segura​ y eficaz, y es una⁣ herramienta ms para combatir el Dengue, sumndose a las acciones de prevencin que ya se vienen realizando desde el Ministerio de Salud de … Read more

Catamarca Introduces Vaccination Plan Against Dengue Amid Rising Cases: ANMAT Approved Vaccine

Given the worrying epidemiological situation, they promote a vaccination program against Dengue The provincial deputy and president of the radical Bloc Silvana Carrizo introduced a bill that promotes a Vaccination Plan against Dengue. The provincial deputy and president of the radical Bloc Silvana Carrizo introduced a bill that promotes a Vaccination Plan against Dengue. Given … Read more

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Deaths in Jombang Reach 9: Ministry of Health Decision Pending

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Deaths in Jombang Reach 9: Ministry of Health Decision Pending

Saturday, March 2 2024 – 11:12 WIB Jombang, VIVA – The number of victims who died due to the dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) virus in Jombang Regency, East Java, has reached 9 people. However, the Jombang Regency Government (Pemkab) has not yet raised the status of this situation to an extraordinary event (KLB). The reason … Read more

Brazil Battles Dengue Outbreak: Man in Brasilia First to Receive New Vaccine

Brazil Battles Dengue Outbreak: Man in Brasilia First to Receive New Vaccine

EPAA man in Brasilia is vaccinated against dengue NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 09:20 There is a major outbreak of dengue, also called dengue fever, in Brazil. The millionth infection of this year was reported yesterday. This time last year there were still more than 200,000. A state of emergency has been declared in six states. According to … Read more

The Milei Government blames Fernández for dengue – 2024-02-26 20:32:37

The Milei Government blames Fernández for dengue
 – 2024-02-26 20:32:37

The MSP announced the actions that will be carried out to stop the dengue outbreak in Ecuador. The government of Javier Miley This Tuesday, he blamed his predecessor for the failure of prevention policies that led to the spread of the dengue virus in Argentinawhich has already caused the death of 35 people since last … Read more

Dengue Epidemic in French Guiana: Surge in Cases and Vaccine Developments

Dengue Epidemic in French Guiana: Surge in Cases and Vaccine Developments

After Brazil and the Antilles, French Guiana has been hit by a surge in dengue cases, with almost 3,000 new cases since January. Fight against mosquitoes, control of stagnant water, a specific emergency service… While waiting for an effective vaccine, the authorities of the French overseas department are organizing themselves. This year, the mosquito is … Read more