El fichaje de David Broncano provoca “el mayor cisma” en RTVE desde hace aos: “Ahora se puede aprobar lo que les venga en gana”

El fichaje de David Broncano provoca “el mayor cisma” en RTVE desde hace aos: “Ahora se puede aprobar lo que les venga en gana”

l shed light on the implications ‍of the contract ‍between La Resistencia and RTVE, focusing on the potential risks and benefits for both parties involved. The article ⁤will delve into ⁣the⁤ impact of the contract on the ​programming schedule of RTVE, as well as the creative freedom granted to​ David Broncano and his production team. … Read more

the secret that they have uncovered about the program

the secret that they have uncovered about the program

Carlos Areces and Adriana Torrebejano They visited ‘La Resistencia’ to present ‘Muertos S.L’, the new Movistar + comedy about a funeral home that is experiencing a time of change after the death of the founder. As soon as they arrived on the set and said that they had stolen some filming objects, Broncano asked them … Read more

Rojuu, from collaborator to guest in ‘La Resistencia’

Rojuu, from collaborator to guest in ‘La Resistencia’

«When the rock gets infentanyl this must be what you see”Rojuu Surprise! The youtuber and singer Rojuu go back to ‘The resistance‘, this time as a guest after releasing his latest album, ‘Los Sueños de Nube’, and remembers his old days as a collaborator. David Broncano He takes advantage of his friendship of 3.2 out … Read more