Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health: Vaccination and Coordination Key to Combatting Global Health Threat

Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health: Vaccination and Coordination Key to Combatting Global Health Threat

IRENE BALLESTEROS.- One of the greatest health threats that humanity faces in the 21st century are the antimicrobial resistance. In 2019, 1.27 million people died worldwide from infections of this type, and the forecasts are no better, since by 2050 it is predicted that this figure could multiply by more than ten times. In this … Read more

The Importance of IPC Conferences in Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance: Insights from the 6th United Arab Emirates International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR)

Infection control and prevention (IPC) is a global effort that relies heavily on conferences to disseminate information and advance research. IPC conferences take place worldwide throughout the year, addressing various issues related to microbiology, infectious disease, and infection control. One such recent conference, the 6th United Arab Emirates International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR), was … Read more

Called the silent pandemic, here are 5 facts about antimicrobial resistance

Drugs no longer work to kill bacteria or viruses REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Prof Tjandra Toga Aditama convey five things you need to know about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) called the silent pandemic (silent pandemic). According to him, AMR can threaten the world because cases are growing … Read more

India is facing antibiotic resistant superbug infection, what is it?

India is one of the countries most affected by antibiotic resistance. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – At the non-profit Kasturba hospital in the western Indian state of Maharashtra, doctors are struggling with an infectious rash superbug resistant to antibiotics. Superbugs occur when bacteria change over time and become resistant to drugs that are supposed to defeat them … Read more

CDC: Deaths from Superbug Infection Rise in Early Covid-19 Pandemic

Superbugs are antibiotic -resistant germs. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The number of infection cases superbug drug resistance worsened during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the pandemic triggered an increase of about 15 percent in infections and deaths caused by some … Read more

Antimicrobial Resistance Threatens World Health, What Can Be Done? page all – The world must be aware of health threats antimicrobial resistance which is one of the leading causes of death globally. Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time, so they no longer respond to a person’s medications. This makes the infection more difficult to treat and increases the risk … Read more

Recognize the Dangers of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) due to Wrong Use of Antibiotics

Jakarta – Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) or antimicrobial resistance can be experienced due to misuse antibiotics, Mother. AMR occurs when germs in the body can no longer respond to medications, making the infection difficult to treat. The general chairman of the Indonesian Infection Control Association (PERDALIN), Prof. DR. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, dr., Sp.A(K), M.Trop.Paed, said … Read more