back on stage soon!

It will be at the Festival des Ardentes. Attention, the Belgian festival of Ardentes has just made a big announcement: Stromae will be on the stage for his big comeback live after years of silence. It must be said that the Belgian singer particularly likes this scene which he trod in 2011 and 2014. It … Read more

single, WhatsApp group, we tell you everything!

We are always trying to find out more. Information on “Classico Organisé” is difficult to obtain. There is no real omerta but let’s say that no one wants (or has the right?) To talk about it despite the many questions that everyone is asking, including us. Fortunately, by digging a little, we still get to … Read more

Is Drake stronger than Michael Jackson?

The Billboard asks the question. The numbers that accompany Drake’s latest installment, “Certified Lover Boy” are so incredible they encourage the most flattering comparisons and debates. Thereby, Billboard whose rankings refer to asked the angry question: is Drake doing better than the Beatles and Michael Jackson? They are also artists who once outrageously dominated their … Read more

Travis Scott wants to explore a new musical style

Exit rap, he wants to get into rock. Travis Scott’s “Utopia” project, which has been awaited for years, should arrive sooner than expected, but not in the style that one would have thought. The rapper hinted in an interview that he could take a radical turn. He wants us to triumph with his music, psychedelic … Read more

Sleepy Hallow flies to South America on “Chicken” and “Mi No Sabe”

Sleepy Hallow leaves no room in the game with a double album “Chicken” and “Mi No Sabe”, both produced by Great John. In the clip, directed by DeadFly Films, the Brooklyn rapper flies to Puerto Rico in South America with “Chicken” and flexes with the locals of La Perla. On “Mi No Sabe”, Sleepy Hallow … Read more

Lil Loaded is dead!

The reasons for his death are not known. The black series had calmed down a bit lately in American rap but we have just learned the death of Lil Loaded, aged only 20. A few months ago, he had been arrested for murder after having been, already, at the center of a story of settling … Read more

Lil Reese was in a stolen car when he was shot

These are the conclusions of the police. A few days ago, Lil Reese was caught in a shootout. The rapper from Chicago in particular hit in the head and the eye is still in the hospital. We now know a little more about the circumstances of the tragedy. In the early hours of Sunday, May … Read more

Netflix bought a documentary about his life for $ 30 million!

Kanye West will star in a miniseries. Purchased by Netflix for $ 30 million, the latter will retrace the rhythmic and eventful career of the rapper and businessman. A documentary by Kanye West will arrive soon on Netflix. According to Billboard, the streaming giant has acquired archival footage from directors Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike. … Read more

SCH explodes stream counters

“Julius II” is a real tidal wave. We have the impression thate stream records fall every day in the French rap game, but it may be a good thing: it shows that Rap FR is still in “progress” and that it continues to gain listeners, which is a good sign for our music (and a … Read more

Travis Scott gives info on “Utopia”

His next album will be different from what he usually does. Travis Scott gave an interview to magazine i-D and confided in his next opus “Utopia”. The rapper promises an album that is musically very different from these previous projects. The years pass and follow one another. After three years of waiting, Travis Scott’s next … Read more