Home » today » World » SYRIZA: Papanotas caused panic – What Bekatorou and Tsambazi asked for – 2024-04-22 23:17:27

SYRIZA: Papanotas caused panic – What Bekatorou and Tsambazi asked for – 2024-04-22 23:17:27

“I am already in contact with the collective bodies of the party and I am waiting for an answer”, answered Sofia Bekatorou, a candidate with SYRIZA in the European elections of June 9, when asked to comment on Dimitris Papanotas’ earlier statement about the attitude of some women.

Speaking on Thursday on Parapolitik radio, the Olympic sailing champion expressed the opinion that “the party will stand as it should, making the right move”.

Mrs. Bekatorou wanted to remind the well-known journalist that “238,476 women are physically or sexually abused by their partner/husband during the year. That is, 653 women every day” and he added that “we are not imagining things, the time has come when we must make sure that solutions are taken”.

According to the pioneer of metoo in Greece, “we cannot say that we bring people with new ideas and the people who come not only have outdated but also their personal opinions”.

“I can’t decide it myself, but in a group there must be people who can stand with knowledge, with the feeling for the common good and not to ostrich“, concluded the Olympic champion.

Tsambazi: “The statement about the satrap has not been tampered with”

The position of the journalist is on the same wavelength Doras Tsambazisalso a candidate with SYRIZA in the European elections as emerged from the results of Sunday’s primaries.

From the studio of the Kontra television station, the party adviser asserted that she is not going to “wash away any behavior and attitude that I consider not only does not express me, but brings me a very great dissatisfaction. It doesn’t express me at all, it worries me and it doesn’t express all the women in Greece eitherwhich fight against the patriarchy as a whole to break down all these stereotypes of the patriarchy that are all still deeply rooted”.

Referring to Dimitris Papanotas by name, the wife of the deceased Alexandros Nicolaidis stated that “I watched his statement very carefully as a journalist. The part about the man and the satrap hasn’t been interjected or anything, it’s a continuous thought. Nevertheless, if he himself considers that this has not been interpreted correctly, I think he can request all the material from Mrs. Fay Skordas to present it to the institutions of SYRIZA, the Ethics Committee and the institutions and they will decide.”

He also emphasized that “Mr. Papanotas, like me, has been selected through this new process of qualifications, so the people decided to be there. I think so it must be reviewed by the Ethics Committee. If I thought that my statements had been falsified, I would ask for the entire video to be filed where it should be to be okay. I read Dimitris Papanotas’s post in an earlier post of mine. A month ago is not old, it is fresh, it is current, old is many years ago when many of us have the right to change our opinion. I hope this has been faked and I’m waiting for the real video.”

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