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sting on arrival up to 1500 euros

Bad news is coming for many Italian families who risk having to deal with a real sting.

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The summer season is ending and with it also the holidays. So here we find ourselves having to deal with the return to everyday life, grappling with various work commitments and family members. A clear example of this is the return to school and the payment of bills, with the latter that, just like a Swiss watch, arrive on time in our homes, complete with deadlines and related amounts to be paid.

If all this were not enough, the recent estimates of the Codacons they are not positive at all. It seems, in fact, that many families will find themselves dealing with a real one autumn sting, which could come to weigh up to well 1.500 euro on every Italian family. So let’s go into the details and see what to expect.

Families, Codacons alarm: expected increases for bills, school and transport

According to the latest estimates it seems that with the arrival of autumn we will have to deal with one sting from 1,500 euros per family. To disclose these data the Codacons, Coordination of associations for the defense of the environment and the rights of users and consumers, which provides for a real blow. In addition to having to deal with the negative impact of Covid on the economy and from a social point of view, therefore, Italian families will find themselves having to put their hands on their wallet due to new price increases.

In particular, underlines the Codacons, we will have to deal with “a real ‘massacre’ for the pockets of families between school supplies, books and various materials“. Starting from the diaries up to the backpacks, in fact, you will find yourself dealing with a increase of 3.5% more than in 2020. In particular, the cost per student for school materials will be approximately 550 euros. Costs that can rise 1.200 euro because of the school texts. An “heavy autumn also on the retail price front, with a general increase in the cost of living“.

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A situation that could force any family to shell out up to 189 euros more than expected due to price increases. Also sore point on the family budget i transport. Only in the autumn period, in fact, is an increase in fuel prices expected to lead to a sting of about 75 euros per family. Not to forget, then, the increase in electricity and gas bills, equal to approx 24,5 euro. Increases which, added together, risk weighing on the pockets of many families, with a real fall sting equal to 1,488.50 euros per family.

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