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Sphingomyelin in Breast Milk: Enhancing Brain Development in Children for a Technological Future

20 years from now, I believe that no one will be able to predict that. How much will our world change? The present era is the era of our children. An era born with the advancement of technology that plays a role in daily life. Starting from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. This is telling us that Today’s life cannot deny technology at all. However, no matter how the era changes, How far will technological progress advance? If the brain is ready, the brain is good, and the brain is sensitive, any situation can be accepted. Parents can strengthen their children’s brains starting today. with sphingomyelin Especially in the first year is a golden opportunity. That will enhance your child’s development so that your child’s brain can learn effectively.

Sphingomyelin in breast milk Strengthen your child’s brain. Starting from the first year

Even though the future cannot be predicted But we plan for our children’s future world.

Nowadays it is called It is an era of technology. And day by day technology is leaping further and further. If from today 20 years from now is a long period of time. Of course, no one can predict what will happen to our children. But the surest thing that parents like us can do is preparation.

Even though the present era has progressed very much. This does not mean that we will not be able to keep up with the pace or that we will become obsolete. If we adapt to receive various information with discretion. Take the knowledge gained Let’s add more potential. And the ability to give our children is called equipping them to use in their lives today and in the future. Keep up with the changes no matter what. If your child has a good foundation, it equals a good start. The brain is quick. The brain works quickly. is an important weapon that causes learning to be effective Leading to further success in the future world that there may be impossible things But we make it possible.

Prepare your child today by preparing your child’s brain.

The important starting point of a baby’s development is the brain1 because the baby’s vision, hearing, and language learning interact with parents. Including learning to adapt to living with others, starting with the “brain” especially in the first year. Your baby’s brain development is a very important stage.

Factors affecting brain development are related and directly related to “Good nutrition” because the nutrients received are Important raw materials that the brain uses to create cells and neurotransmitters. And the important thing that needs to be done together is to raise them appropriately. You want your child to have a quick brain and a good brain. You cannot miss anything. Because it directly affects the development of the baby’s brain potential. Brain research has found that Different starting points in infancy It may affect different chances of success in the future. Because parents cannot predict their children’s future. The future is full of changes that are always possible. Baby brain development and good learning start from childhood during the first year. This results in very different results in school age and adulthood. Both in terms of intelligence, thinking, intelligence, and the development of new learning skills. Even though ‘no one is born talented’, parents can prepare their child’s brain from birth, starting today.

Research confirms Develop your brain quickly. ‘Sphingomyelin’

ALT: research confirms Quick brain development with sphingomyelin

In the future world that parents themselves cannot predict. With the advancement of technology, things are both possible and impossible. No matter how fast the world changes Children’s brain development must be faster than The first year is a golden opportunity to build a good, quick brain. In the future, our children may make the impossible become a possible reality. It depends on your child’s brain development starting today. The best starting point for infant brain development is breast milk because breast milk contains more than 200 nutrients, including an important substance called ‘sphingomyelin’.

Scientists discovered that ‘Sphingomyelin’ is a phospholipid group of fats. The important role of sphingomyelin is Makes the brain able to process efficiently2 Affects the baby to remember and learn things quickly.

sphingomyelin It is a type of phospholipid that is most commonly found in breast milk. It is an important component that helps create the myelin sheath. Helps the brain to connect and communicate quickly in leaps and bounds. Resulting in babies learning, remembering, and continuing their learning quickly.

In addition, scientists have predicted the learning potential of infants using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and found that tissue on the inside of the brain, called white matter, will develop and grow. which such process It is called the process of creating myelin3.

Breast milk is the ultimate food for babies from birth. Breast milk is rich in nutrients such as sphingomyelin and DHA. Research has found that children who are breastfed have significantly higher amounts of myelin than children who are not breastfed. Significance 4 Good brain development Brain development in learning Myelin plays a very important role. in the process of intelligence and ingenuity Your child’s brain will be able to think, analyze, and remember until it grows. It depends on the brain’s working process. This requires connecting and transmitting information between many parts of the brain. Success must begin with a good brain and a fast brain because the future is unpredictable. Prepare your child’s brain from today. What is impossible today? It may be possible in the future. Smile and accept the change. Able to handle every situation with confidence

The more you play, the more your brain works. Because playing helps stimulate and develop your child’s brain more quickly.

sphingomyelin Helps stimulate and develop your baby’s brain more quickly.

Children’s brains, in addition to receiving nutrients that are beneficial to the brain, ‘Sphingomyelin’ so that the connections of the forebrain can develop well and develop quickly. For children, “playing” also develops their brains. For adults, they learn from study and work, but for children, playing is learning. For them, playing stimulates the brain’s sensitivity. child brain development This can be done through activities that have a goal. You should create time through brain training activities of bonding and warmth. Go along with training to stimulate your child’s brain. To build advanced brain skills It is an important skill for future success. Advanced brain skills include 5,6

  • Have a good memory and can use it. (Working Memory)

The memory area of ​​the brain is responsible for storing information in order to process it and retrieve it for use in desired situations. Activities that help stimulate the brain to strengthen memory for use, such as playing Flash cards, reading stories to build intelligence, thinking, and imagination by choosing story books for your child to read that are appropriate for his age and interests. Read the stories and then invite them to talk about the stories. Various events related to the story Talk about the characters Helps stimulate the memory part of the brain very well.

  • Know how to adapt and be flexible. (Cognitive Flexibility)

Ability to adapt and be flexible in thinking Solve problems in different ways. Know how to change and change It is the beginning of being creative and thinking outside the box. flexibility of thought It is an idea that is appropriate for today’s knowledgeable society. Various technological advances It can stimulate the flexible thinking of the frontal brain through regular “problem solving” activities for children, such as playing board games.

  • Able to control and restrain oneselfInhibitory Control)

The ability to withstand emotional temptation. It is an ability that is an advanced brain skill. Have the ability to think and reflect. can control needs Stop thinking before you can act. It can stimulate the ability to endure. Control and self-restrain the frontal lobe through activities such as training children to concentrate, such as making playdough, building Lego, jigsaw puzzles, or building blocks.

Showing love to your child through quality time through fun activities helps babies learn and develop various skills at the same time because every success comes from good brain stimulation. The brain was quick from a young age. No matter how fast the world spins Your baby’s brain must be good and must be quick. To keep up with the changes By learning new things efficiently How fast is the world changing? The brain must be fast and ready to keep up with the world with confidence and happiness.

If you have any questions, Further develop your child’s brain and learning. You can consult with the S-Mom Club nursing team (https://www.s-momclub.com/profile/register) Available 24 hours a day, no charge.

Read more information at


  • National Institutes of Health (US); Biological Sciences Curriculum Study. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health (US); 2007
  • Deoni S, 2012
  • Dai X, et al, 2019.
  • Kar P, et al. Neuroimage. 2021 Aug 1:236:118084.
  • Department of Mental Health (dmh.go.th)
  • How is EF Executive Function important to the development of children at different ages?, Manarom Hospital

  • refer :

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    2024-02-29 09:02:45

    #Sphingomyelin #breast #milk #Strengthen #childs #brain #Starting #year

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