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Special vaccination session dedicated to general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice

Today, January 6, a special vaccination session dedicated to general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice will take place in the Piedmont ASL, starting from the City of Turin ASL, the largest in the region. A symbolic moment dedicated specifically to women and men who, since the beginning of the pandemic, have been at the forefront of the Covid emergency.

Meanwhile, the vaccination of health personnel is proceeding regularly (in total there are 195,000 people involved in the first phase, 120 thousand personnel of the Health Authorities and the remaining employees and guests of the RSA): today others have been vaccinated 4.408 people.

In total, they were administered in Piedmont 22.203 doses, equal to 54,3% of the 40.885 of the first supply. The Crisis Unit of the Region communicates this (the data is hours 17:31).

In the meantime, the manufacturing company has delivered part of the second supply to the Piedmont area, that is 20.000 doses. The remaining 20.000, for Pfizer logistical reasons, will be delivered on Thursday 7 January.

“It is a big step forward for general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice and a really important signal for their patients. Vaccination is essential to win the battle against Covid and the adherence by health personnel and specifically by doctors and pediatricians, who are in daily and direct contact with the population, represents a significant act of responsibility and attention that deserves to be highlighted ”- he declares Antonio Rinaudo, Commissioner of the Legal-Administrative Area of ​​the Crisis Unit.

“The arrival of vaccines opens a new and favorable season in the fight against this devastating pandemic. It is imperative to immediately secure all health personnel. General Practitioners (GPs) have always been the first contact of citizens for health problems. Guaranteeing Covid-free medical studies is a must. Getting vaccinated will allow us to continue to play our role with greater safety for everyone ”- they underline Roberto Venice (Fimmg), Antonio Barillà (Smi) e Mauro Grosso Ciponte (Snami), representatives of the family doctors’ trade unions.

“We are satisfied with this initiative, aimed at protecting a category that has an extremely important role in the health system such as family doctors. We hope that as soon as possible the possibility to get vaccinated will also be released for dentists and freelance doctors, for the implementation of which we are working in these days together with the Region “- underlines the president of the Turin Medical Association, Guido Giustetto, also in the name of the other Presidents of the Provincial Orders of Piedmont.

Just today the president of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, and the councilor for health, Luigi Icardi, have written to the presidents of the professional associations (Doctors and Dentists, Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Biologists, Chemists and Physicists, Psychologists, Obstetric Profession (FNOPO), Nursing Profession (FNOPI), Medical radiology health technicians, Technical health professions of rehabilitation and prevention) to extend vaccination also to professionals who work privately. The Orders will collect the adhesions and transmit them to the Region which, after identifying the path, will program the accesses.

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