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Spain is moving to contain the crisis .. Converting an exhibition ground for the largest treatment hospital for “Corona” .. Video

The exhibition ground turned into Spain Ifema To the largest hospital to treat the Corona virus in the country, in an attempt to absorb the largest possible number of infected people and treat them as soon as possible, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Military Emergency Unit UME.

The exhibition land turns into a hospital

Spain announced today, Monday, that the number of deaths due to infection with the Corona virus rose to 2,182 people. The Spanish Ministry of the Interior said on Sunday that Spain will impose restrictions on the entry of most foreigners through ports and airports during the next thirty days to stop the spread of the Corona virus, according to the newspaper “El Priodico”. Spanish.

The ministry said in its statement that it will allow Spanish citizens, foreigners living in Spain, members of the medical staff, shipping workers, health workers and diplomats to travel as usual.

The logistical plan that was implemented in Spain included the provision of several rooms and included 1396 beds, 96 of them in central care units, and the provision of 200 beds to help patients with mild symptoms.

Health authorities have committed to separating the laid family by a distance of three meters, and Jose Perez Blanco, coordinator of tools at this temporary health center, said that its size is considered to be two hospitals together, and it was provided to keep the distances reserved between patients, to enable doctors and nurses to cross through the wide paths in order to preserve their health.

Blanco pointed out that in the center of this hospital, containers will be installed for the shower, and liquid oxygen tanks and distribution tubes will be installed, which is vital work to provide respiratory assistance to all people infected with the virus.

“We are at war,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said, a day after warning that “the worst is yet to come” in the outbreak of the virus, adding that “the army will play a greater role in responding to the epidemic, and has called for greater economic assistance from the European Union.”“.

The state of emergency, imposed by the authorities nationwide on March 14 for a period of 15 days, prevents residents from leaving except in cases of extreme necessity.

The Spanish Prime Minister stated that he hopes that all parties agree to extend the state of emergency to April 11, knowing that it is the first time that the state of emergency will be extended during the 4-decade democratic rule in Spain..

Sanchez also praised the commitment of citizens to stay in their homes and defended the importance of extending the state of emergency, saying: “We hope that with this tough, tough and difficult measure … we can alter the curve of the evolution of the Corona virus.”

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