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Spain, again at the tail of aid: the country in Europe that least supports the self-employed

In December 2020, that of “Spain is in the Champions League of economies ”that said Zapatero in 2007. Economic forecasts for the country are continually revised downwards, whether the START, macroeconomic sales or employment data. Spain is moving away from the lead train, and the shock plan against the pandemic is another example: aid to the self-employed group is right now at the tail of Europe.

In an interview with Digital Economy, the president of the Association of Self Employed Workers (ATA), Lorenzo Love, he regretted the little capacity of the Government to face the needs of the group. “For every 100 euros that the self-employed have lost, the Executive and the Autonomous Communities have only given direct aid worth 14 euros,” the manager warned.

The comparison with the rest of the European powers leaves Spain in bad place. “In GermanyFor every 100 euros lost, the administration gave 70 euros in direct aid; in Italy it was 45 euros; in France it practically reached 50 million; he UK around 30 and even Portugal surpasses the Spanish mattress “, remarked the also vice president of the CEOE.

According to Amor’s calculations, the self-employed lost 60,000 million euros due to the pandemic. And the Executive looks the other way instead of compensating them for the restrictions. “When the activity is restricted by legal imperative, the logical thing is to compensate, but the administrations have not done it.”

“The Government is insensitive”

“It is one more example of the government’s insensitivity,” Amor said repeatedly. According to him VIII Barometer carried out by the organization, one in four freelancers lost more than 30,000 of income. In addition, 56.5% work at half gas and more than 300,000 admit that they will have to lower the blind permanently.

The collapse of the activity and the lack of aid caused that 14.4% of the self-employed with workers under their charge have already made layoffs and another 29.2% are considering doing so in the coming months. Only 1.6% intend to hire an employee.

The assisted respiration that temporary employment regulation files (ERTE) they seem vital to the collective. 76.8% consider them essential to keep the business alive and 42% admit that they have not yet reincorporated the affected employees.

Added to the Covid-19 storm is the rise in the rates of Social Security contributions approved by the Government. The increase was agreed in 2018, but was not stopped by the pandemic. The forecast was to raise the price from 30% in 2019 to 31% in 2022.

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