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Socialists Maintain Stronghold in La Carlota Municipality, Cordoba with Absolute Majority

He PSOE maintains one of its classic strongholds in the province of Córdoba, after making sure to revalidate the absolute majority in La Carlotadespite slightly worsening the results it achieved in 2019. Antonio Granados will continue to be the municipal councilor of the colona town.

Los socialists get 11 councilors (they had 12), for the 4 achieved by the Popular Party. Vox gets 1 seat in the municipal plenary session and Con Andalucía also gets 1.

There were four parties that appeared to get the Mayor of La Carlota the 28M -PSOE, PP, With Andalucía Izquierda Unida with La Carlota and Vox-.

This municipality of the Vega del Guadalquivir was and will continue to be one of the great socialist strongholds of Córdoba; Throughout the democratic period, its seven mayors have been from the party led in Córdoba by Rafaela Crespín, who was also mayor of this colona town. Currently, the municipal councilor, Crespín’s successor in office, is Anthony Granados.

Granados maintains the mayoralty, although he does not manage to improve some results at the polls, those of 2019, which dictated that the socialists got 58.34% of the votes, which gave them 12 of the 17 councilors of the plenary; the PP got three, with 19.2% support; and Cs and IU, one each with, respectively, 7.95% and 5.01% of the votes. While Vox and Podemos were left out of the City Council with 4.78% and 3.99% of support, respectively.

#PSOE #maintains #absolute #majority #Carlota #municipal #elections

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