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Sobbing, Yana and his wife apologize Engineering lost in the rock prince

SUMEDANG, KOMPAS.TV – Yana Supriyatna cried while apologizing to officers and the public regarding the fabrication of fake news that disappeared on Jalan Cadas Pangeran, Sumedang, West Java.

While sobbing, Yana Supriyatna and his wife apologized to the officers and the public, both West Java and outside West Java, who were restless as a result of this engineering act.

Yana was identified as a suspect by the Sumedang Resort Police. He promised not to repeat this again.

Also Read: Makes a scene in Indonesia with fake news, Yana becomes a suspect and is threatened with 3 years in prison

Previously, Yana had engineered her loss to avoid problems in her family and work at her office by performing a disappearance at Jalan Cadas Pangeran.

To account for his actions, the perpetrators were charged with Articles of Criminal Regulation and threatened with a sentence of less than 5 years.

Also Read: Learn from the case of Yana Cadas Pangeran, identify the characteristics of a manipulative partner

Suspects are not detained, they are only required to report to the police every day.

Video Editor: Laurensius Krisna Galih

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